Here are some Tips for Searching for a Project. To find out more about how you can Help to Support the various projects, simply click any purple heading link to view all projects in that category. You may also use your computer mouse to hover over the tab at the top of this page “Community Projects” in order to select the types of projects you would like to view.
To see a full listing of all projects currently running, please visit the homepage of this website. Simply click on “Home” and then scroll down to the very bottom of the home page to see all projects currently running that need your help.
You may also search the entire website for Community Projects, Goals, etc. by typing your keyword search in the white box where it says “search this website”. To get even more specific, you may type in your interest + the word “project” after it. For instance, “dog project”, “child literacy project”, “PTSD project”, etc. You may also search for projects that benefit a particular city or county by typing in “Phoenix Project” or “Maricopa County Project”.
If you would like to follow the progress of a particular project, you can sign up for the free subscription service that allows you to be notified when comments and updates are added to a project that interests you. You can help to create a “buzz” about a project! The social media buttons allow you to share projects with others who may be interested in helping or getting involved.
You can see a complete list of the names of the community projects currently running on the Home Page of this website. Simply click on the “Home” tab, scroll down to find project that interests you, and click to learn more about the project. If you or your organization would like to Create Your Own Project, you may click on the purple link of any of project types below, to learn more about how to do that. Or, click on the link to fill out the Create a Project Application Form. All projects use the same form. A full description of the categories of projects available on the website follows, please click on the purple links to see examples of projects and to learn more.
Community Projects (CP)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
Join with others in creating something in our community that Solves a Social Problem or Helps the Environment. These are community projects that may need your help with materials, expertise, time, skills, money or other donations in order to be completed. Community Projects are building something that is helpful to their community. Maybe it is a new playground for abused children? Maybe it is a new Dog Run for an animal sanctuary? Maybe it is a Community Garden to be set up in a food desert? What Community Project will you create? Find community projects to support in your city, your state or in your interest category (eg. Animals, Seniors, Veterans, the Environment). With your help we can have a positive impact on our world. Just think how great it will feel to know that you were a co-creator of this Community Project that fills a social or environmental need. You can say to yourself, “I helped to Create that!” If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “Community Projects (CP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a Community Project–Click Here!
International Community Projects (ICP)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
These are exactly the same as the Community Projects description above only an International Community Project Solves a Social Problem or Helps the Environment in another country. You may search by region or by country. If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “International Community Projects (ICP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create an International Community Project–Click Here!
School Project (SP)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
Are you an educator, student, club member, parent or other person based in a School, College, University or other educational group? Are you a School, University, Community College, educational or other type of organization that has a project that would assist students in their education, teachers in their teaching skills, or your education facilities in supporting the education process? Is there something that the community could do that would make a difference in improving the educational experience? Are there specific resources, services, projects or materials that would be especially helpful but are currently out of reach? Maybe you are working on a School Project that would solve a Social or Environmental problem by, for instance, creating a Parent Resource Center or an Organic Garden at your school? What School Project would you like to request the community’s help in creating? If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “School Project (SP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a School Project–Click Here!
Help for Startups–View Projects that Need Your Support!
Are you There are 3 types of Startup Project Categories: Startups (SU) based in this nation, the United States ( View all U.S. Based Startups–Click Here!), and Startups from Arizona where is based ( View all Arizona Based Startups–Click Here!) and Startups that are based in a foreign country listed as Startups International (SUI) ( View all International Startups–Click Here!). Have you ever wanted to be a part of a Startup organization that is active nationally or internationally? Now is your chance to join the community in helping a Startup Nonprofit, Business or Social Enterprise to successfully launch. Please share your time, your talents, your connections, and your helpful information to help to get these new ventures started and/or growing faster. You have information, expertise or contacts that can help these startups. Be a part of their success! Read their startup profile to see how you can help. Post a comment with an encouraging word or share some helpful tips. If you would like to Create a Startup Project to Help Launch Your Venture–Click Here!
Community Response System (CRS)–View Projects that Need Support!
Our Community Response System is set up to Get People & Resources where they need to be in order to Provide the Help Needed to assist with any challenge or issue. There are many different types of Community Response System projects running that help in a variety of situations. For instance, people with a specific expertise share their time & talents in the “Help for a Cause” Skill Bank–Click Here! Another example of a Community Response System is the project where people, with some experience or knowledge, shepherd others through challenging situations as a Neighborhood Resource Person–Click Here! Help is needed from volunteers with a great deal of experience and expertise in specific areas in order to assist and run interference for especially challenging situations in the Ombudsman Service run by Community volunteers–Click Here! Still another example of a Community Response System project is where food, clothing or other donated items are moved from people who have the item to individuals who need the item who are following certain projects and are, therefore, notified by email when items become available. If you would like to Utilize this service and Activate the Community Response System–Click Here! You will see the current available options & find out How to Activate the exact Community Response System that suits your issue. If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “Community Response System (CRS)” to the left above. If you do not see a Community Response System project that meets your needs and would like to propose a new one, then please click on this purple link View all Community Response System Projects–Click Here!
American Dream (AD)–View Projects that Need Your Support!
Join with others in Supporting an Individual, Family or Group in your Community that has an Opportunity to Thrive. Will you help the Individual(s) in your Community to Achieve their American Dream? Will you be the One who Assists them in reaching a New Level of Achievement? Join in the excitement of participating in the accomplishment of someone else’s life dream by helping this individual, family or group to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity. These people Need Your Support so they can Benefit from this Opportunity. Opportunity is Knocking…will you Help them to Answer the call to achievement? Just think how great it will feel to say to yourself, “I helped to create this Success!” If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “American Dream (AD)” to the left above. If you would like to Create an American Dream Project–Click Here!
Helping Hand (HH)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
Are you affiliated with a Philanthropic Organization? Do you know of an individual, family, or group of individuals who are facing challenges that make life difficult? Is there information, expertise, a service or some other type of assistance that would help to improve their quality of life? Let’s show some compassion and get involved with being part of the solution by alleviating some of the difficulties in their life. Join with others in Supporting Individuals in your Community who need assistance with meeting basic needs. Will you lend a Helping Hand by sharing your time, talents or donations to make their life easier? If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “Helping Hand (HH)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a Helping Hand Project–Click Here!
Teen Action Groups (T.A.G.) Team Project–View Teen Projects that Need Your Support!
Are you Are you the parent, teacher, coach, or club leader of a teen or or a group of teens 13 years of age or older? Is there something that your 13 and older teens would like to create for their community that would also be a beneficial experience for the teens? Do you, your teen, your philanthropic club, your school, or a local nonprofit, government agency, or faith community that you are working with have an idea for a Teen Action Groups (T.A.G.) Team Project that would solve a Social or Environmental problem? Are there specific resources, services or materials that would be especially needed in order to create this Teen Action Groups (T.A.G.) Team Project? Do you have a Teen Action Groups (T.A.G.) Team Project that helps to solve a Social or Environmental problem that you would like to request the community’s help in creating? Or, if you are a member of the community, will you help these Teens to make a positive difference in their community by sharing your time, talents, resources and expertise? If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “Teen Action Groups (T.A.G.) Team Project” to the left above. If you would like to Create a Teen Action Groups (T.A.G.) Team Project–Click Here!
Kids Can Change the World (KCW) Team Project–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
Are you Are you the parent, teacher, coach, or club leader of a child or children 12 years of age or younger? Is there something that your 12 and under kids would like to create for their community that would also be a beneficial experience for the children? Do you, your child, your philanthropic club, your school, or a local nonprofit, government agency, or faith community that you are working with have an idea for a Kids Can Change the World Project that would solve a Social or Environmental problem? Are there specific resources, services or materials that would be especially needed in order to create this Kids Can Change the World Project? Do you have a Kids Can Change the World Project that helps to solve a Social or Environmental problem that you would like to request the community’s help in creating? Or, if you are a member of the community, will you help these Children to make a positive difference in their community by sharing your time, talents, resources and expertise? If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “Kids Can Change the World (KCW) Team Project” to the left above. If you would like to Create a Kids Can Change the World Project–Click Here!
Citizen Science (CS)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
Are you Are you a scientific researcher, a university professor, or a nonprofit organization that would like to request community help with a Citizen Science project? Do you have a Citizen Science Project that would solve a Social or Environmental problem? Maybe you need assistance in gathering pertinent information or specific data? Maybe you have a survey you would like people to respond to that would help you define a research question or refine the services you provide to the people you serve? What Citizen Science project would like to request the community’s help in completing? If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “Citizen Science (CS)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a Citizen Science Project–Click Here!
Scientific Research (SR)–View Projects that Need Your Support!
Are you a scientific researcher, a university professor, or a nonprofit organization that would like to request community help with Scientific Research that helps to solve a Social or Environmental problem? Do you need assistance in gathering research participants, acquiring samples or making phone calls to legislators to support more research funds for this area of study? Do you need help getting the word out to professionals and the public about your research findings or scientifically validated program? Do you need connections, introductions or referrals to or from people who can help? Maybe you are seeking help in funding or crowdfunding your research that benefits our community? Specifically, what type of help do you need to support your research? If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “Scientific Research (SR)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a Scientific Research Project–Click Here!
Community Building—There are 6 types of Community Building Projects: | Community Engagement Projects | Speakers Bureau |
| Ambassadors for a Cause | State & County Goals | Join the Club! |
| Community Challenge |
*****Community Engagement (CE)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
Are you Are you an individual, group, or organization that has a Community Engagement Project that you are working on that would solve a Social or Environmental problem? Is there an event or activity that you would like other people to join you in doing that would benefit the community? Is there a specific community event where people’s participation would be helpful? Maybe it is a public art project that requires people’s participation? Maybe it is an event to heighten public awareness about an issue? Maybe it is a fundraiser that you are wanting to create a “buzz” about? If so, this is the project for you!The Goal of Community Engagement projects is to Create Connections, Network, Get the Word Out, Get People Involved and, generally, Build Community Support around specific causes or issues. In addition, hosts two types of Community Engagement projects that are specifically intended to help support your projects. If you love social media and would like to use your social media networks to help get the word out about projects, events, current news & opportunities related to the causes or interests that you are passionate about, please become a Social Media Lover for a Cause–Click Here! If you are short on time and would like to volunteer in short bursts of time right from your home or at a time and location that is convenient for you, perhaps you would like to become an On Call Community Volunteer–Click Here! There are many more opportunities to be engaged in your community, if you would like to Volunteer–Click Here! and if you would like to Donate Items, Services or Money for a Cause–Click Here! Or, see what community help or connections are needed that you can provide in the Classified Want Ads–Click Here! If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “School Project (SP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a Community Engagement Project–Click Here!
*****Speakers Bureau (SB)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
We need your help! We are looking for people who have experience, expertise or specialized knowledge to help give FREE presentations about various topics or subject areas. If you have an interest or a cause that you are passionate about, will you share your passion, experience and expertise with others in our community by agreeing to speak for free to interested groups? Speakers Bureau participants assist in getting current, accurate and up to date information about their subject matter out to the public. The caring people of the Speakers Bureau offer to give a free presentations in order to help a cause or interest that they are passionate about. Are you passionate about a topic? Do you have skills, experience or expertise to share? If so, Create a Project! Or, you can participate in a Crowdsourcing Project. Help your community and do your volunteering from home. In a very short amount of time you can help to make a positive difference in the world! We are smarter and can get more accomplished by working together! If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “School Project (SP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a School Project–Click Here!
*****Ambassadors for a Cause (AMB)–View Projects–Need Your Support! 
“Ambassadors for a Cause” are people who are passionate about a specific topic of interest to them. Ambassadors for a Cause receive FREE advanced training on their chosen topic from a nonprofit or a government agency. After the training, they serve as the “go to” person, the “information booth” on that topic, in their organization, School, University, Government Agency, Indian Tribe, Business, Faith Community or Military Service Branch. Ambassadors for a Cause help their friends, family and coworkers during the course of their normal lives. Whenever they are approached during the course of the day with a question on the topic, they are equipped to provide current and accurate information. Ambassadors for a Cause need not be or become a volunteer for an organization. Any person passionate about an issue can become an Ambassador for a Cause. It is also possible to be a “Youth Ambassador for a Cause”. If so, Create a Project! Or, you can participate in a Crowdsourcing Project. Help your community and do your volunteering from home. In a very short amount of time you can help to make a positive difference in the world! We are smarter and can get more accomplished by working together! If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “School Project (SP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a School Project–Click Here!
*****State & County Goals (Goal)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
Do you have a State or County Goal that you would like to propose? To post a goal, please make sure it is a S.M.A.R.T. goal. S–very Specific, Sensory based what will you see, hear, experience when you know that the goal has been achieved? M–Measurable, put numbers that can be tracked and used for evaluation of progress on the goal. A–Achievable, you want to set the Goal high enough so that it is a stretch but not so high that the goal becomes demotivating because it is unattainable. R–Realistic, Reasonable, Really Exciting, and the goal Resonates with people. T–Time Limit, set the target date by which you would like to accomplish the goal. Your goal should articulate your desired final destination once the goal is achieved. What is the “deliverable” that you would like to produce? Create a Goal that your entire community can rally around. Members of our community can help by creating Projects that help to achieve the Goal. With combined effort we can solve Social and Environmental issues. We are all in this together! Let’s Go for it! We Can Solve This! If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “School Project (SP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a School Project–Click Here!
*****Join the Club! (Club)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
Are you passionate about an issue? Do you have ideas, information and advice concerning this issue that would be helpful to others? Are you interested in keeping up to date on any new projects, resources and events concerning this cause or interest? Would you like to help your community by contributing your time & talents to improve conditions regarding this issue? Are you ready to make a positive difference in the world? If so…Share your Interests. Meet new people. Help a Cause. Join the Club! We have broad interest clubs (e.g. Animals, Environment, Veterans, Children & Teens, Nonprofits, Startups, etc.) We also have specific interest clubs (e.g. Dogs, Golden Retrievers, Solar, Water Conservation, School Readiness, Nutrition, etc.) What are your interests? When you subscribe to follow any Join the Club! project, you will be contacted when new information, special events, classes, new projects and Invitation Only Events on the issues you choose to follow are added to the website. It is Free to follow as many Join the Club! project pages as you wish! We welcome you to the club! If so, Create a Project! If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “School Project (SP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a School Project–Click Here!
*****Community Challenge (CC)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
Create a Community Challenge that helps with a Social or Environmental issue! Issue a Challenge and invite our community to Join with you & others to accomplish it! Ask your Friends, Colleagues & Family Members to commit to do the Community Challenge with you! Ask them to Help Spread the Word about the Community Challenge through their own Social Media Channels! If you are a person who is interested in solving Social or Environmental issues, please Join a Community Challenge and then Help Start a Buzz about the Community Challenge by Sharing and Challenging your friends to also join in the Community Challenge! Your community needs your support, time, talent, and/or donation dollars to make this Community Challenge a Success! Help Make a Positive Difference in the World! Your Community Needs Your Help to resolve Social and Environmental problems! You can be part of the Solution by Creating or by Helping Support a Community Challenge! If you would like to Community Challenge Project–Click Here!
Crowdsourcing Projects—There are 8 types of Crowdsourcing Projects: | Crowdsourcing Requests | Group Purchase Projects | The Lending Library Project | Big Ideas | What Bugs You? | What Works |
| Points to Ponder | Call to Action |
*****Crowdsourcing Requests (CR)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
These projects are completed on-line with virtual community help…with your help! Please help us to spread the word by forwarding these projects to friends and family members. Are you an individual, group, or organization that has a Crowdsourcing Request Project that you are working on that would solve a Social or Environmental problem? Is there specific information, data, or on-line project help that would be especially needed in order to complete this Crowdsourcing Request Project? If so, Create a Project! Or, you can participate in a Crowdsourcing Project. Help your community and do your volunteering from home. Or, you can participate in a Crowdsourcing Project. Help your community and do your volunteering from home. In a very short amount of time you can help to make a positive difference in the world! We are smarter and can get more accomplished by working together! If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “School Project (SP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a School Project–Click Here!
*****Group Purchase Projects (GP)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
Also called Group Buying or Collective Purchases, these projects allow people to network with the virtual community to gain negotiation power when purchasing materials or services! Please help us to spread the word by forwarding these projects to friends, colleagues, family members, nonprofits and businesses that may want to join in on the Group Purchase. Are you an individual, group, or organization that has a project that you are working on that would solve a Social or Environmental problem? Are there specific supplies or services that would be especially needed in order to complete this project but money is tight? If so, Create a Group Purchase Project! Or, you can participate in helping others who have created a Group Purchase Project and need others to join in. Help your community and do your volunteering from home by sharing the Group Purchase Project through your social media channels. With your help we can make a positive difference in the world! If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “School Project (SP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a School Project–Click Here!
*****The Lending Library (LL)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
These projects are completed online with virtual community help and with the help of you! Please help us to spread the word by forwarding these projects to friends and family members. Are you an individual, group, or organization that wants to participate in a Lending Library Project to help solve a Social or Environmental problem? Do you or your organization need to borrow an item? Do you or your organization have an item that you are willing to lend out to others on a temporary basis? What items do you need that others may be willing to lend? Do you have items do you have that others may like to borrow in order in order to solve a social or environmental problem? Do you have items to lend? If so, Create a Project! Or, you can participate in a Lending Library Project. Help your community and do your volunteering from home. In a very short amount of time you can help to make a positive difference in the world! We can get more accomplished by working together! If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “Lending Library(LL)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a School Project–Click Here!
*****Big Ideas (BI)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
Do you have a big idea that you believe would solve a Social or Environmental problem? Would you like to get ideas on how to make the idea even stronger? Post it in this category and let’s list the pros/cons, costs/benefits, and (un)intended consequences that may occur if the idea were to be implemented. Receive feedback on the Big Idea that you are proposing. This “Big Idea” may then become a Goal, a Community Project, a Crowdsourcing Request, a Community Engagement project or any of the other projects that create something new in our community. Let the “crowd” comment and help you to make the idea even better before it moves on to become a Goal or a Project. If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “School Project (SP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a School Project–Click Here!
*****What Bugs You? (BUG)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
These projects are completed on-line with virtual community help…with your help! Please help us to spread the word by forwarding these projects to friends and family members. Are you an individual, group, or organization that has a Crowdsourcing Request Project that you are working on that would solve a Social or Environmental problem? Is there specific information, data, or on-line project help that would be especially needed in order to complete this Crowdsourcing Request Project? If so, Create a Project! Or, you can participate in a Crowdsourcing Project. Help your community and do your volunteering from home. In a very short amount of time you can help to make a positive difference in the world! We are smarter and can get more accomplished by working together! If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “School Project (SP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a School Project–Click Here!
*****What Works (WW)–View Projects that Need Your Support! 
These projects are completed on-line with virtual community help…with your help! Please help us to spread the word by forwarding these projects to friends and family members. Are you an individual, group, or organization that has a Crowdsourcing Request Project that you are working on that would solve a Social or Environmental problem? Is there specific information, data, or on-line project help that would be especially needed in order to complete this Crowdsourcing Request Project? If so, Create a Project! Or, you can participate in a Crowdsourcing Project. Help your community and do your volunteering from home. In a very short amount of time you can help to make a positive difference in the world! We are smarter and can get more accomplished by working together! If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “School Project (SP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a School Project–Click Here!
*****Points to Ponder (P2P)–View Projects that Need Your Support!
These are questions that get our community thinking and, hopefully, commenting. Points to Ponder questions are meant to generate thoughts and differing views. The purpose is to view the question from multiple angles in order to get a fuller view of the subject we are discussing by crowdsourcing the responses. Points to Ponder questions are often the starting point that leads to a “Big Idea” that the community helps to flesh out. This “Big Idea” may then become a Community Project, a Crowdsourcing Request, a Community Engagement project or any of the other projects that create something new in our community. What is your Point to Ponder (P2P)? What do you think about the P2P questions of others? Let’s use the power or crowdsourcing to get a robust discussion going! If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “School Project (SP)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a School Project–Click Here!
*****Call to Action (ACT)–View Projects that Need Your Support!
Periodically, organizations will issue a challenge to all of the altruists out there. Organizations such as nonprofits, schools, government agencies, etc. will propose a “Call to Action” that is issued to the entire community. Then, we will ask for feedback, though your comments on the project post, in order to measure the impact from each individual who participated. We will tally the results and display our combined impact. For instance, imagine what the combined impact would be if every one of the over 5 million people in and around Phoenix, Arizona picked up one piece of recyclable trash from the street or out of the landfill trash bin and placed it, instead, in the recycling bin? What if we all did that for an entire month? What if each individual retrieved 5 pieces of recyclable trash that would have gone to the landfill instead? Never underestimate the impact of one small positive action done consistently by a number of individuals! Results are especially impactful if they are done in cooperation with other individuals! We are all in this together and We Can Solve This and other social and environmental problems by combining our effort. We can make a difference in our community! If you would like to View all Projects currently running, please click on the purple heading link “Call to Action (ACT)” to the left above. If you would like to Create a School Project–Click Here!