Have you ever wanted to be a part of a Startup organization that is active internationally? Now is your time to join the community in helping a Startup Nonprofit, Business or Social Enterprise that is active in markets in other countries. Please share your time, your talents, your connections, and your helpful information to help to get these new ventures launched and/or growing faster. You have information, expertise or contacts that can help these startups. Be a part of their success!

SU-Startups, Nonprofits, Businesses Need Mentors-Please Help

*************************************************************************************************************************** #AZmentors #AZhelpStartups #AZentrepreneurs #AZhelpNonprofits #AZhelpOrganizationsProject Project Project Proposal:We need your help on this project! Help us to find people who have experience with or knowledge about New Startups, Nonprofits,…

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