Thank you for wanting to Help Your Lost Dog! Below you will find the links & resources that will help. If you have found someone else’s Dog & want help finding the home of a Dog that You Have Found–Click Here!
Please fill out a report about your Lost Dog at Helping Lost Pets—Click Here!
Please share the link to these Lost & Found Resources with your social media network:
——–>If someone has Lost or Found a Dog, Cat or any other animal, the first step is to fill out a Lost or Found report at Helping Lost Pets
Lost & Found Animal Report Form
To view the Helping Lost Pets Interactive Map of a Lost & Found Animals
Also, these local organizations can help once the initial Lost & Found posting has been made at Helping Lost Pets
Resources for Dogs:
Lost Dogs Arizona
Found Dog Action Plan
Lost Dog Action Plan
Resources for Cats:
Lost Cats of Arizona
Here are other Resources that Can Help Lost & Found Animals
More Resources for Dogs & Cats http
Helpful Tips that will Assist you Find Your Lost Dog---A Pathway to Success
How to Find a Dog that you Lost. Below is a checklist that will help you to find ways of helping your Lost Dog. These are suggestions, generated through crowdsourcing, that others have found to be a helpful pathway to success. If you need more specific help or assistance, please ask an animal rescue volunteer at one of your local rescues. Never give up! Dogs have been found weeks, months and even years after they were lost.
The website is using crowdsourcing to find the best suggestions that others have found to be a helpful pathway to success. We are striving to create a helpful checklist of tips that helps people with this situation and helps Lost Dogs. Will you share what you know? Will you contribute tips, resources & information that have been helpful to you and others dealing with this situation?
***What are your best tips and advice for someone dealing with this type of Lost Dog issue? If you were to create a checklist of the best tips, what would you include.
***What kind of help from your community would be especially helpful in this kind of a Lost Dog situation? What kind of supports or public policy system is especially effective and Helpful?
***We are especially interested in hearing from you if you have had experience with this issue and worked through it.
***We are also very interested in getting suggestions from people who work with Lost Dogs and resolved this type of situation.
***What are your best tips & suggestions of how to help Lost Dogs in this type of situation? Are there especially helpful steps to follow? What should one do as Step #1, Step #2, Step#3, etc. Is there a “Best Pathway to Success” in handling this type of situation that you would recommend?
Find out more about how to Activate the Community Response System!
Organizations & Resources that Help in this Situation
***What are the best books, blogs, podcasts, websites, videos, movies, magazines, newsletters, organizations and other resources that can help people get accurate information about dealing with a Lost Dog issue? What has been helpful to you or others that you would recommend?
***Which organizations are most helpful when dealing with a Lost Dog issue? What organizations specialize in offering assistance with this issue? Which specific organizations are especially efficient at helping when an individual is facing this issue?
***What questions are most useful to ask in order to guide an individual to the best resources for resolving this Lost Dog issue? Do you have some good “Decision Tree Questions” that can guide an individual to a good outcome for this Lost Dog issue? What would you need to know from an individual in order to effectively help them with this situation?
***What are some Tips & Techniques for Handling the People & Organizations commonly associated with this issue? How does one get the best results?
***Are there any specific products that people can purchase that are especially helpful when dealing with a Lost Dog situation? What products are helpful for preventing or resolving this issue?
***Are there any businesses or paid services that are especially helpful in resolving this type of Lost Dog issue?
***Are there any online or in person classes or trainings that teach people how to effectively deal with a Lost Dog situation? If so, where are they and how can they be accessed?
Common Mistakes people make when Dealing with this issue
***What are some of the common mistakes that people make who are dealing with a Lost Dog issue? What are common mistakes that are easily avoidable if people know about them?
***What are common things that you hear people say? What do you see people do in this type of Lost Dog situation? What can you say or do that would be an effective response?
***Reasons & Responses–What reasons do you hear people give for not dealing with a Lost Dog situation and what can you say in response?
***What are some of the Signs & Symptoms that something is wrong and needs to be addressed? What are signs that action needs to be taken?
***What are the specific beliefs that are helpful for people to have if they are to successfully handle this situation? What do they say to themselves? What do they believe that allows them to keep going? Useful Beliefs that Help People to Successfully Handle this issue
***What beliefs are held by the people who are passionate about helping others who are dealing with a Lost Dog issue? What motivates them to help others?
What 1 Person can Do to help with this issue--Volunteer Opportunities
***Create a Project or Find a Project to Support that Assists with this issue
***What are some of your best suggestions about what 1 person can do to help in a Lost Dog situation?
What 1 Person Can Do to Help Lost Dogs
Please add your ideas under the relevant category.
In Just 15 Minutes You Can Help by…
In Just 1 Hour You Can Help by…
In Just a Few Hours a Week You Can…
To Really Make a Big Difference with a Lost Dog issue You Can Get Really Involved and Help by…
***What can individuals and organizations do to support an organization that assists with a Lost Dog issue?
***What can businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, Indian tribes, faith communities, schools, colleges & universities do to help Lost Dogs? Do you have any specific ideas or examples?
***What are some specific volunteer positions that are needed by nonprofits working on Lost Dog issues? If possible, please send us a “job description” of what activities a volunteer might engage in with that volunteer position.
***What organizations are especially helpful in assisting with Lost Dogrelated issues? Do we have them listed as a resource on this website? Are they currently listed in our Directory of Services & Organizations–Click Here to Search Or, if you are from an organization, have you created your own Free Directory Listing? If you would like to help a nonprofit organization that you feel should be listed, find our How to Create a Directory Listing–Click Here!
***What are some good ways that you can suggest for reaching potential volunteers who may want to use their time, talents & expertise to help Lost Dogs? Are you interested in becoming a Volunteer–Click Here! Who do you know that might be interested in volunteering, helping with Computer Volunteer work, Phone Volunteer work or On Call Volunteer work?
***What donated items do philanthropic organizations working on Lost Dog issues commonly need? Can you find any nonprofit Donation Wish Lists to send us? Are you interested in donating items to help Lost Dogs? Do you know other people or organizations who may want to Donate–Click Here! Or do you have items to let people borrow in the Lending Library–Click Here!
***Do you see any items or services that you can help with in the website’s Classified Want Ads–Click Here!
Become a Community Builder–Click Here!
Become a Social Media Lover for a Cause–Click Here!
Become an Ambassador–Click Here!
Become a Presenter on topics related to this issue–Volunteer for the Speakers Bureau–Click Here!
Create a Class or Workshop Relevant to this topic and offer it in the Communiversity–Click Here!
Become a Mentor for an Individual or an Organization–Longer Term Assistance–Mentor/Mentee Relationship
Join the Skill Bank by volunteering your Specialized Skills to Support a Cause–Short-Term Help
Become a Neighborhood Resource Person a community volunteer who seeks to help people with this specific issue
Become a volunteer Ombudsman–a Service offered by community volunteers–Give Help with more complicated issues
Join the Club!
Help Get the Word Out! How Can We Inform Others & Increase Public Awareness?
***Do you know of any public awareness campaigns, community assistance programs, prevention programs, intervention programs support groups, information clubs or other helpful projects that have been especially successful in helping Lost Dogs?
***What are some good examples of Lost Dog programs handled well or handled badly? Please post any links to helpful examples regarding Lost Dogs in our comments section below so that we can learn what others have discovered that does or does not work!
***Do you have any Facts, Figures, Statistics & True Costs of handling Lost Dog issues to share? Will you please include information about the original source of the information, if you can?
***Do your or your organization have any Open Source Information, Brochures, Tip Sheets, Evaluation Sheets, etc. that you are willing to share with others? If so, please send us a website link or inquire about sending in a PDF file or an attachment.
Become a Community Builder–Click Here!
Become a Social Media Lover for a Cause–Click Here!
Become an Ambassador–Click Here!
Become a Presenter on topics related to this issue–Volunteer for the Speakers Bureau–Click Here!
Create a Class or Workshop Relevant to this topic and offer it in the Communiversity–Click Here!
Become a Neighborhood Resource Person a community volunteer who seeks to help people with this specific issue
Become a volunteer Ombudsman–a Service offered by community volunteers–Give Help with more complicated issues
Join the Club!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about this topic--What the Public Wants to Know
***What are the most common questions that people ask regarding a Lost Dog issue?
***What do people most want to know?
Please email us via the comments section below to add questions that you would like to know. will list them on this page in this section. We will use the crowdsourcing help or our community to get you answers!
This web page and the crowdsourcing questions displayed here were created on September 1st, 2015. New crowdsourcing questions have been submitted by the public and added after that date. Please click here to View New Crowdsourcing Questions ********************************************************************************************************************************
What Works? Organizations Working on Lost Dog issues
What Works? Helpful Advice and Time-Saving Tips–Practical Experience
***What are some tips that are especially helpful and can save people time?
***What do people who have lots of experience with helping Lost Dogs know that works? What are the tips & techniques of handling Lost Dog situations that work best?
***What tips, advice & skills are useful to organizations that help in Lost Dog situations? What can information can they pass on to the public to use?
What Works? Prevention & Intervention Programs that Work–Practical Experience
***What type of public awareness campaigns, community assistance programs, prevention programs, intervention programs, support groups, information clubs or other projects are especially helpful for assisting Lost Dogs? Are there links or references that would be helpful to individuals & organizations wishing to learn more?
Are there programs that have been shown to be especially successful when implemented elsewhere?
***Do certain programs work better under different conditions? If so, what are the conditions that are most helpful for creating a successful program?
***Who are the stakeholders that should be invited to participate in the implication of a new program? Who should be involved?
Please provide links or citations for the original source when possible so that we can give credit to the original authors or creators of information.
Scientific Research Findings that can Help with this issue
***What scientific research been done on the specific topic of Lost Dogs? Are there scientific research studies that provide actionable information that would be helpful to individuals & organizations dealing with Lost Dog situations?
***What scientific research has been done that provides good background information or context to the Lost Dog issue?
Please provide links or citations for the original source of scientific research studies so that we can give credit to the original authors.
Scientifically Validated Prevention & Intervention Programs that Work
***What scientific research been done on the specific topic of public awareness campaigns, community assistance programs, prevention programs, intervention programs, support groups, information clubs or other helpful projects to help Lost Dogs? Are there scientific research studies that provide actionable information that would be helpful to individuals & organizations dealing with Lost Dog situations? Are there programs that have been shown to be especially successful?
***What scientific research has been done that provides good background information or context to the types of programs that are successful in addressing the Lost Dog issue?
Please provide links or citations for the original source of scientific research studies so that we can give credit to the original authors.
What Works? Projects in a Box--Successful Programs & Details on How to “Do it Yourself”
What is Done around the World that Works—Practical Experience. Scientific Research from anywhere in the world is found under other headings.
***What is being done elsewhere in the United States that works? Are there states where this is less of a problem? How did they do it? What are they doing differently that made it work?
***What is being done in other Countries that Works? Are there countries where this is less of a problem? How did they do it? What are they doing differently that made it work?
Are there what we call “Projects in a Box” that individuals, organizations & cities are willing to offer as open source assistance to others? By “Projects in a Box” we mean “Toolkits” or “Do it Yourself (DIY) projects that can be shared with others, thus saving them time, money & energy. Why reinvent the wheel when someone has already created a program or a project that is successful.
An example of a “Project in a Box” might be an Animal Spay & Neuter public awareness campaign from Vermont that comes with tips, mistakes to avoid, open source brochures, camera ready art for posters, etc. Another example might be the step by step plan of how to throw a “Promoting Health Block Party” with details of what needs to be done and when it needs to be done 1 year, 6 months, 3 months, 1 month and in the weeks proceeding the event.
We are striving to create a library of “Projects in a Box” or “Toolkits” that individuals & organizations can use to solve social & environmental problems.
Examples of Best Practices & Protocols for Organizations working on this issue
***Do you know of good examples of effective evaluation methods? Are there forms that are especially good that can be made “open source” so that others can utilize them?
***Are their computer programs or apps that are especially useful when trying to help Lost Dogs? Do you know of helpful links to useful information that you can share? Please let us know.
***Do you have examples of “best practices” or “protocols” that you would like to share that other organizations might find helpful?
******Do your or your organization have any Open Source Information, Brochures, Tip Sheets, Volunteer Manuals, Organization Charts, Organizational Work Flow Charts, Internal Management Forms, Tracking Forms, Evaluation Sheets, etc. that you are willing to share to help others others? If so, please send us a website link or inquire about sending in a PDF file or an attachment.
We are striving to create a library of Best Practices, Protocols, Evaluation Measures, that individuals & organizations can use to solve social & environmental problems.
What in the World Works? Examples of Time-Saving Tips and Prevention & Intervention Programs from Around the Globe that have been Successful. Who handles this well?
What is Done around the World that Works—Practical Experience. Scientific Research from anywhere in the world is found under other headings.
***What is being done elsewhere in the United States that works? Are there states where this is less of a problem? How did they do it? What are they doing differently that made it work?
***What is being done in other Countries that Works? Are there countries where this is less of a problem? How did they do it? What are they doing differently that made it work?
***Are there Citizen Science Projects that helps with this issue?
Please contact us through the comments section below if you have any suggestions or feedback on this Sub-Page Template. We want to make sure that this page is helpful & understandable. This website is being built with you, by you and for Our Community. Thanks for your help!
This page is being used as a sample template for what every Sub Page will look like on the website. Please let us know about any feedback, additions or changes you would like to see by contacting us via the comments section below. We want to create a Sub Page template that works well for all individuals, organizations and topics. Thanks for your help!
Get Help for a Lost Dog–Concierge Service
A Best Pathway to Success in Handling this issue
Checklist of Helpful Tips that will Assist you with this issue
How to Find a Dog that you Lost. Below is a checklist that will help you to find ways of helping your Lost Dog. These are suggestions generated through crowdsourcing that others have found to be a helpful pathway to success. If you need more specific help or assistance, please ask an animal rescue volunteer at one of your local rescues. Never give up! Dogs have been found weeks, months and even years after they were lost.
Put out Lost Dog Posters right away!
Cathy H. Lost & Found Help Line volunteer since 1994.
Tips for Lost & Found Flyer–What works best? How to create an effective flyer that gets an animal back home safe and sound.
Use a large piece of poster board, preferably neon colored. Cut it in half. Write in very big letters. You want drivers to be able to see and read your sign as they are driving by as they may not take the time to stop and read it! Cathy H. Lost & Found Help Line volunteer since 1994.
Common Mistakes people make when Dealing with this issue
Signs & Symptoms that something is wrong and Action is Needed
Helpful Organizations that Offer Assistance with this issue
A Best Pathway to Help | Checklist of Helpful Tips | Common Mistakes | Signs & Symptoms | Useful Beliefs | Helpful Organizations |
Help Navigating the Lost & Found System
Ombudsman Service offered by Community Volunteers who Help Guide you to Solutions
Decision Tree Questions to Guide you to a Good Outcome for this issue
Activate the Community Response System!
Tips & Techniques for Handling the People & Organizations related to this issue
Use the Lending Library for Resources that can help you with this issue
Decision Tree | Reasons & Responses | Ombudsman Service | Community Response | Tips & Techniques | Lending Library
Helpful Resources
Crowdsourced Lists of Resources that others have Found to be Helpful for this issue
Spoiler content Helpful Resources–Crowdsourced Lists of Resources that others have Found to be Helpful when Dealing with this issue Another drop down? Books, Blogs, DVDs/Movies, Laws & Legal Information–Relevant Links, Magazines, Newsletters, Videos Online, Websites. etc. that can help you to solve common dog related issues.
A Best Pathway to Help |
Common Mistakes |
Signs & Symptoms |
Useful Beliefs |
Helpful Organizations
Recommended Businesses & Paid Services that others have found to be Helpful
Free Quick Tips Resource Flyer
A Best Pathway to Help | Checklist of Helpful Tips | Common Mistakes | Signs & Symptoms | Useful Beliefs | Helpful Organizations |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Responses to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about this issue
How to Contact Us with Your Own Question
Decision Tree | Reasons & Responses | Ombudsman Service | Community Response | Tips & Techniques | Lending Library
How You Can Help with this issue
Make a Difference!***** Have an Impact!
Support an Organization that Assists with this issue
Create a Project or Find a Project to Support that Assists with this issue
A Best Pathway to Help | Checklist of Helpful Tips | Common Mistakes | Signs & Symptoms | Useful Beliefs | Helpful Organizations |
What Works? Best Practices, Scientific Research & Practical Experience
What Works? Helpful Advice and Time-Saving Tips–Practical Experience
What Works? Prevention & Intervention Programs that Work–Practical Experience
Scientific Research Findings that can Help with this issue
Scientifically Validated Prevention & Intervention Programs that Work
Examples of Best Practices & Protocols for Organizations working on this issue
Decision Tree | Reasons & Responses | Ombudsman Service | Community Response | Tips & Techniques | Lending Library
Do you have information that you would like to add? Please contribute helpful information & resources by contacting us via the comment section below.
Thank you for your interest in how each cause or interest is organized! There is a Main Page Template that is the same for each major cause or interest area. There is a Sub Page Template that is the same for each Main Issue listed on the Main Page Template. Each Main Page and Sub Page is organized in exactly the same way. There will be information that is pertinent to the major subject area (EX: Dogs) on each Main Page Template. There will be information that is pertinent to the main issues on each Sub Page (EX: Lost Dog Help).
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This web page and the crowdsourcing questions displayed here were created on September 1st, 2015. New crowdsourcing questions have been submitted by the public and added after that date. Please click here to View New Crowdsourcing Questions ********************************************************************************************************************************
By sharing your time, talents, experience & expertise, you are Helping Your Community and Making the World a Better Place!
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What You can do to Help on this Project. How our Community can Support this Project. ***************************************************************************************************************************
Thank you for wanting to Help the Dog you Lost! Here is the list of information to Help you Find your Lost Dog. You may use the sidebar of this page to navigate. Or, choose from the categories below to navigate to the information you desire. Good Luck!
This page is Currently Under Construction! This Lost Dog Help page is being built with you, by you and for our community! We need your help! Please click on the categories below to see the crowdsourcing questions that will help us to build this page. Will you assist people with Lost Dog issues by contributing information that can help? is a crowdsourcing website that is powered by community help…your help! We will compile the information received through crowdsourcing and make it into a format that is simple to use and easily accessible. When finished, this page will look very different. You can have a say in how this Sub Page will eventually look. You may view & give feedback on the sample “Sub Page Template”–Click Here!
Tips for Finding Your Lost Dog
How You Can Help Lost Dogs———-Make a Difference! Have an Impact!–Concierge Service
Advanced Crowdsourcing Questions
What Works? Best Practices, Scientific Research & Practical Experience—Support for Individuals & Organizations Working on Lost Dog issues
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Noun + Home: Dog Home Page Adjective + Noun + Help: Lost Dog Help
For best results type in Keywords or get a Checklist of Helpful Tips by typing
Noun + Home: Dog Home Page Adjective + Noun + Help: Lost Dog Help
For best results type in Keywords or get a Checklist of Helpful Tips by typing
Noun + Home: Dog Home Page Adjective + Noun + Help: Lost Dog Help
For best results type in Keywords or get a Checklist of Helpful Tips by typing
Noun + Home: Dog Home Page Adjective + Noun + Help: Lost Dog Help
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