
We need your help! We are looking for people who have experience, expertise or specialized knowledge to give FREE presentations about various topics or subject areas.

Speakers Bureau participants assist in getting current, accurate and up to date information about their subject matter out to the public. The caring people of the Speakers Bureau offer to give Free presentations in order to help a cause or interest that they are passionate about.

Give Help–Become a Speaker! Click Here! View Form to Offer a Presentation through Our Free Speakers Bureau Matching Service! Get Help–View Form to Request a Presenter from our Free Speakers Bureau Matching Service!

If you have an interest or a cause that you are passionate about, will your share your passion, experience and expertise with others in our community by agreeing to speak for FREE to interested groups?

*****If so, here is how you can become involved and help in the Speakers Bureau. There are 3 options available:

Option #1Please list the topics that interest you and Contact Us–Click Here! We will maintain a “back list” of people willing to speak on specific topics. You will be listed under the relevant headings and we will only contact you when speaking engagements become available that match your specific criteria. This will happen infrequently and this is the lowest level of participation & time needed as a Speakers Bureau participant.

Option #2Please subscribe to follow the Speakers Bureau Projects that are relevant to the topics in which you have experience & expertise to share. We often get requests for speakers on topics that come to us directly. We send out email notifications with the details about who, what, when, where & how many people will attend. You then get to decide which speaking engagements you would like to do. This feature operates like a one way mirror. Only you see the requests coming in. The organizations requesting speakers do not know who is following each project and, therefore, will not know who declined the offer to speak at their organization. If you choose Option #2, you will see a wider variety of Speakers Bureau requests.

*****We have a number of Speakers Bureau projects to participate in that are currently running. To View All Speakers Bureau Projects–Click Here! Simply select which projects to subscribe to follow.

It is Free to follow as many Speakers Bureau Projects as interest you. Your email and contact information is always kept private & never sold. If you choose Option #2 you will see all requests for Free presentations under a specific topic (Animals, Seniors, Teens, Veterans, the Environment, etc.) and you can decide whether you have the experience & expertise that matches the request. If you decide to do the Speakers Bureau request, simply send in a reply in the “Share Information & Resources” comment section at the bottom of that project post.

Option #3Please be sure to also list your Speakers Bureau availability & topic information in the Classified Want Ads under the Speakers Bureau–Presenters Available–Click Here! so that people can contact you directly. Simply click on “All Sub Categories, select the topic area and list your availability and any special requests (Distance you are willing to travel, Minimum number of attendees, etc.). Click on “Place Ad” to post your Free classified ad. Thanks for caring & sharing your time, your experience & your expertise to help your community!

Please Note: All Classified Ad listings are available for the general public to view. Any contact people have with you is sent through our system. Your e-mail address is kept confidential unless you specifically list your contact information in the contact area of your ad. You may get even more requests for Free presentations if you choose this Option #3. The public can contact you directly and make arrangements for the Free speaking engagement. If you choose to do all 3 Options, your topic area and speaker availability will get the maximum exposure to the public.

*****We are striving to make it easier for organizations to link up with willing speakers who are knowledgeable about specific topics.

*****We are seeking to make it easy for members of our community to get information that is relevant to solving a Social or Environmental problem.

Speakers Bureau participants assist in getting current, accurate and up to date information about their subject matter out to the public. If you prefer just to be on the “back list” of potential speakers, please let us know by choosing only Option #1 and we will only contact you for specific presentation requests that come to us. Whichever option you choose, thank you for being one of the caring people of the Speakers Bureau who offer to give Free presentations in order to help a cause or interest that they are passionate about.

    Thanks for caring & sharing your time, your experience & your expertise to help your community!

Thank you for caring enough about this topic and your community to share your time and your talents! Thank you for helping the cause! Together we can Make a Difference in the World!


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