Welcome to the “Dog Supplies Available Project” page for the Northeast Region of Maricopa County, Arizona. Click to View All Regions This a project of the Donation Service at CommunityCause.org that helps nonprofit & philanthropic organizations find the items they need to fulfill their mission. It is a part of our Community Response System–Learn More!
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Please View all Donated Items Currently Available in the “Share Information & Resources”
comment section below.
This is a free service.
Thank you for helping to get Dog Supplies where they are needed most! You are helping us connect community organizations with the resources they need to help them fulfill their mission.
Please Remember: When you post or you respond to a post in the “Share Information & Resources” Comment Section at the bottom of any Donation Service Project page, all information can be viewed by the public! If you want the Donated Item or wish to Donate an Item but do not want to make your contact information public or if you have questions, you may View Privacy Options—Click Here!
Please Note: All comments submitted are moderated by a community volunteer. There will be a delay before your post appears. Thanks for your patience! CommunityCause.org is a 100% volunteer run website. To proceed, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use of this website. Please use the same caution as you would anywhere else on the internet when when making pick ups & deliveries and when seeking help, information & resources. The individuals using this service and the community volunteers helping with the “Help Desk” are not CommunityCause.org volunteers and organizations are not screened by CommunityCause.org
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Dog Supply Donations become Available.***
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