Purpose/Importance: Posting lost and found dogs to our Facebook page is the our primary responsibility. Nothing else happens until the dog is posted. It's our most critical job with the highest priority.
- Copy and paste lost and found dog photos and text from the Helping Lost Pets (HeLP) portal to the Lost Dogs Arizona Facebook page. Edit has needed.
- Post Reunion, In Memoriam posts to the Facebook page
- Upload emailed photos into the HeLP system
- Maintain posts In the correct Facebook photo album
- Edit photos as needed In HeLP and Facebook (e.g., to remove children)
- Save photos to Dropbox
- Update posts for dogs that have been surrendered
- Remove posts for dogs that have been rehomed
- Maintain link to FB Post In HeLP admin panel (postpetlink)
- Repost dogs as requested
Skills and Attributes Needed:
- Basic computer skills such as text editing and file management (copy, paste, move, etc.)
- Able to use email
- Basic Facebook knowledge and/or ability to learn
- Photo editing or ability to learn (cropping, etc.)
- Detail oriented
- Written communication skills