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This is a Crowdsourcing Request project. We need your help in online brainstorming.
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Thanks for your help! You are Helping to Make the World a Better Place. Together we Can Make a Difference! 🙂 is a Crowdsourcing Website. It is being built by you, with you and for our community. Crowdsourcing is the act of requesting help from the crowd, our community, to share information, services, resources, tips, ideas and other helpful tips in order to join together in an effort to accomplish some bigger task. Your piece of the puzzle is a vital part to the finished whole project. serves as a curator of “open source” material that is freely shared with others. “Open source” material may be used, shared or modified by any user. If someone has solved a problem and is willing to freely share their solution to help their community, why not learn from them and save scarce time, money & energy and avoid reinventing the wheel?