CP–Low Income Housing Nonprofit Seeks Green Project Funds


This is a sample Veteran Green Team Community Project

Our Community Project Goal:

Save the Family has been a local nonprofit working to place homeless families into permanent housing for over 40 years. We have a 50 unit transitional housing property that is in desperate need of cost saving and energy and water saving upgrades.

The Problem we are trying to Solve:

Save the Family has limited funds to help homeless families get all of the services they need to stabilize their lives. Money spent on electricity and water bills could be better spent on job training for the parents who need marketable job skills in order to maintain stable housing for their children.

Donated Materials Needed to Make this Project a Success:

Insulation Materials (Home Depot? Lowes?)
Low Flow Toilets
Energy Efficient Refrigerators
(all needed materials listed here)
Solar Panels (Anyone willing to donate? We will happily accept used panels if someone is upgrading their system.)

Expertise Needed to Make this Project a Success:

We need volunteer carpenters, plumbers, engineers and an energy audit.
We need advice on whether it is better to buy or lease the solar panels that we want to put on our roof. Right now we are expecting to lease the solar panels we need to decrease our energy bills.

Connections, Referral, Networking Opportunities Needed to Make this Project a Success:

We have heard about Green Solutions, an organization that comes in and does sustainability consulting. Does anyone know how to contact them? Does anyone have experience in using them? We feel sure that they could give us guidance on what water and energy efficiency systems we should install.

We would like to partner with other organizations that are doing similar upgrades to see if we can join together to negotiate the best possible price. Please refer anyone wanting to do a “Group Purchase” in order to have more leverage when we negotiate a final price for the solar panels, appliances and other materials.

To view our Group Buying classified want–Click Here
(if you click you will see where such an ad would be posted)

This sample project would also set up a Group Buying project like the sample that follows to encourage others to join with them to make a collective purchase of solar panels. By creating a separate project, it is easier to Tweet or share the project on Social Media to get the word out about this exact need for help from the community.

What follows is a link to a sample Collective Purchase or Group Buying project in Tempe–Click Here!

Cash Donations Needed to Make this Project a Success:

We estimate that we will need to raise $55,000 to complete the entire project.

Even just doing the insulation would make a huge difference in our energy bills and that total would be: $15,000

Insulation Materials $300 X 50 (Home Depot? Lowes?)
Low Flow Toilets $150 each x 50
Energy Efficient Refrigerators $500 x 50 (used are also fine)
(all needed materials and costs listed here)
Solar Panel Lease Agreement
Veteran Green Team labor cost estimate $8,000

Please Help! Join our Crowdfunding Campaign!

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This is a sample Veteran Green Team Community Project

Our Community Project Goal:

Our Arizona State Park was devastated by the Yarnell fire. Our goal is to replant 3,000 native trees by June 30th, 2016. That is the anniversary of the loss of the 19 brave city of Prescott hot shot firefighters.

We believe this would be a fitting commemoration to honor the fallen firefighters. We also know that this would help the Yarnell community heal both emotionally and economically. It would go a long way to supporting the animal and plant diversity that was also devastated by the fire.

The Problem we are trying to Solve:

The State Park system is running on limited funds due to the state deficit. Our operating costs have been cut at a time when there is the most need for help.

We are scrambling to get the trees planted before the monsoon season next year. Currently, the bare ground unsecured by tree cover, is at risk of running off polluting nearby rivers and streams. It also makes the risk of mud slides that much more likely. Hasn’t this community suffered enough without adding mudslides as a threat to their homes and businesses?

The lack of trees has also negatively affected the flora and fauna native to this part of Arizona. We need the trees in order to repopulate the forest and support the plant and animal diversity that can only thrive in a healthy forest. Will you help?

Donated Materials Needed to Make this Project a Success:

Shovels (Home Depot? Lowes?)
Pick Axes
Donation of 3,000 saplings

Food supplies to feed hungry workers
Drinks to keep workers hydrated on the job
(all needed materials listed here)

We need to borrow 2 backhoes to complete the work! Please share our project on social media! There is more about the need to borrow the backhoe in our classified ad on this website. Our park ranger can be communicated with directly if you have a lead on a backhoe to borrow. Please communicate any ideas or leads here: (Inserted link to classified ad here)

Expertise Needed to Make this Project a Success:

We need volunteer back hoe operators, master gardeners to give us advice on sustaining the saplings.

We also need a volunteer help from an expert in successful reforestation after a fire disaster. We want to learn from the successes and mistakes of others who have had this type of forest devastation.

Please share our project on your social media to help us find the expertise we need to complete this worthwhile project.

Connections, Referral, Networking Opportunities Needed to Make this Project a Success:

We are seeking to partner with A.S.U. professors and researchers. We believe there is much information that a professor and expert in forest management might teach us about how to do this project right! Please contact us and, at least, point us in the right direction for books, research articles or actual forest projects that have been successful. We want to do the right thing for the forest and for the people of Yarnell.

We would also like to partner with A.S.U. researchers, graduate students or interns who might like to do research on what methods work to help a forest to recover more quickly. We think there are a lot of potential scientific research projects available that will help other park rangers in the future.

We would like to partner with tree nurseries who are altruistic and willing to give us the best deal on saplings.

Cash Donations Needed to Make this Project a Success:

We estimate that we will need to raise $12,000 to complete the entire project, if we can get the saplings donated. Otherwise, it will be $64,000

Shovels (Home Depot? Lowes?) $7 x 40
Pick Axes $9 x 40

3,000 saplings $15 x 3,000 We have a lead on a donation source but need to have back up donors.

Veteran Green Team Labor Costs $8,000

(all needed materials and costs listed here)

Please Help! Join our Crowdfunding Campaign!

Click to Donate and Help this project



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