CE-Healthy Relationships+Life Skills Classes for W.V. Teens



If you would like to become a referral source for our West Valley classes on Life Skills & Healthy Relationships for Teens and their Parents, please let us know by sending us the name of your organization and your contact information through the comments section below. We will keep your information private. It will not be publicized. These classes are available through referral only.

Once your agency, organization, faith community or school has been added as a new referral source, you may begin referring teens and their parents. These classes are not open to the general public at this point.

We have classes available in the East Valley in central Mesa. We also have classes in the West Valley near Metrocenter. This project post is for those who would like to refer to the West Valley classes. If you would like to follow or sign on to refer to our East Valley classes–Please Click Here!

In the east valley, we have offered these same classes for almost 15 years as diversion classes for the Maricopa County Juvenile Justice system. We have also offered these same classes in the west valley for almost 10 years!

This is the first time that we are opening these classes to both the community of professionals and the organizations that specialize in working with teens and their families. For many years parents have wished that these classes were available before their teen got a criminal record and before they were involved with the juvenile justice system. We heard their requests and we are now offering these classes as prevention classes instead of just intervention classes.

We offer classes on topics such as Critical Thinking Skills, Friend Choice, Peer Pressure, Communication Skills, Conflict Resolution, Anger Management, Impulse Control, Effective Decision Making, Drug & Alcohol Use and its Effects on the Teen Brain, and many others. We are open to requests. We have over 40 different classes available and we are willing to offer some classes more often or even tailor make a program to suit your needs. Just let us know your requests! We can even bring our classes right to your organization and conduct them for your clients at your location!

The money we raise as a result of these classes funds programs that support the animal rescue efforts of several nonprofit organizations. All classes are taught by Clare Rhoads, M.C. who has 20 years of experience in working with teens and their families. Clare Rhoads is an animal rescue volunteer for Dog Rescue, a Tempe based 501 (c) 3 Nonprofit organization founded in 1999. Clare helps us to raise needed funds by doing these classes for us. She does this to help animals and also to serve families in her community.

Each 2 hour class is only $10 for the Teen and 1 Parent comes for FREE! That amounts to only $5.00 per person! We like to give both the teen and the parent new skills at the same time!

Even better, it is only $15 for an entire family to attend the 2 hour class no matter how many family members there are! That way the entire family is learning the same information at the same time and, because of the in-class skill building exercises, they are also practicing the new skills together with instructor supervision.

If teens and their parents choose to attend two classes on the same day, it is only $17, exact change, for the teen and one parent and only $30 for the entire family to attend two classes! If teens require a certificate of attendance to verify their attendance in the class, please add $5 and a verification of attendance will be sent to the referring agency.

*****In addition to contacting us through the comments section below to sign up to become a referral agency, you may also choose to follow this West Valley teen class project post below. Simply subscribe to follow this post and you will receive notification about our new West Valley Teen Class Schedules when they come out. It is free to sign up and follow this project. We never sell or share your contact information.

Please help us to spread the word about these classes so that we can help more people and animals! Please share this post with your colleagues, friends and family.

Thanks for helping to make a positive difference in the world!

If you would like to see a list of West Valley Teen Classes–Please Click Here!

P.S. These are just some of the animal rescue programs that the money raised through these classes will be supporting:

* We are hosting a Lost Dog and Found Dog “Amber Alert System” to help get lost dogs home before they ever end up in a county shelter.

* We are connecting low income people with pet food sources and free or low cost spay & neuter so that they can keep their dogs and cats with them and limit their numbers.

* We are updating our FREE Animal Rescue Resource Book which will inform the public of what to do in common animal related situations and inform them about which organizations to contact for help. Some of the sections included in the Animal Rescue Resource Book are what to do if you have lost a dog/cat, found a dog/cat, have an unwanted dog/cat, etc. These Animal Rescue Resource Books will be distributed, free of charge, to vet offices, pet stores, groomers and to the public at large.

* We are creating a rapid response system to aid animal rescues in responding to common animal related situations. For example, what to do with outside cats, where to place bottle fed puppies/kittens, how to respond to a dog left in a home that is in foreclosure, etc.

* We are helping local Cat & Dog Rescues to locate the Volunteers and Donated items that they need in order to help more animals.

* We are bringing animal lovers in for a 2 hour training so that they can become Ambassadors for Animals and Youth Ambassadors for Animals in their community. After the training they will have the knowledge and expertise to share animal related information with their friends, family, colleagues & at school, in the workplace and out in the community. Topics include: how to adopt a shelter animal, where to find low cost spay/neuter options, how to help outside cats, what to do if you suspect that someone is harming an animal, etc.

* We are making FREE presentations on animal related topics to local organizations through our Speakers Bureau of volunteers.

* We are doing a “census” of all Cat & Dog Rescues in Maricopa County and adding them, along with their service area and services provided, to the Directory of Organizations on this website. This will make it easier for people to find and refer to the organizations that really can help in animal related situations. This will also make it easier for people to find opportunities to volunteer for and donate to specific rescue groups who have a mission they support.

* We are identifying which animal rescue organizations offer Teen Volunteer Opportunities and/or accept teens who are required to do Community Service hours.

If you have any questions, please use the “speak your mind” comments section below to communicate with us. A volunteer will respond with an answer shortly. Thank you!


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