Goal–Veterans & Active Military–Connect & Build Community

*****Our Goal is to: Identify activities & organizations in our community that will give Veterans & Active Military an opportunity to contribute their time and their talents in a way that makes a positive difference in their community. Provide Veterans & Active Military with opportunities to receive support, learn new skills, improve mental/physical health, develop interests and create social ties that will keep them connected as active members of their community.

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CR–Small Animal Rescue Resource Book FREE Crowdsource

*************************************************************************************************************************** #AZsmallanimals #AZAnimalRescue #AZhelpAnimalsProject Project Proposal:We need your help on this project! Help us to Create a Small Animal Rescue Resource Book, through Crowdsourcing, that covers all of the major…

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CR–Domestic Violence Awareness & Prevention Resources

*************************************************************************************************************************** #AZHelpFamilies #AZHelpParents #AZhelpteens #AZhelpchildren #AZhelpKids #AZhelpTeachers #AZhelpSchools #AZhelpNonprofits #AZhelpPeopleProject #AZhelpOrganizationsProject Project Proposal:We need your help on this project! Help us to find the most useful tips, advice, books, blogs,…

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CR–Child Abuse Prevention Resources Needed-Please Help!

*************************************************************************************************************************** #AZHelpFamilies #AZHelpParents #AZhelpteens #AZhelpchildren #AZhelpKids #AZhelpTeachers #AZhelpSchools #AZhelpNonprofits #AZhelpPeopleProject #AZhelpOrganizationsProject Project Proposal:We need your help on this project! Help us to find the most useful tips, advice, books, blogs,…

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CR–Best Tips, Books, Blogs, Websites, Resources–Recycling

*************************************************************************************************************************** #AZrecycles #AZHelpTheEnvironmentProject #AZupcycling Project Proposal:We need your help on this project! Help us to find the most useful tips, advice, books, blogs, websites, videos, newsletters, scientific research, resources and…

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SR–Scientifically Validated Child & Teen PTSD Programs that Help

*************************************************************************************************************************** #AZHelpFamilies #AZHelpParents #AZhelpteens #AZhelpchildren #AZhelpKids #AZhelpTeachers #AZhelpSchools #AZhelpNonprofits #AZhelpPeopleProject #AZhelpOrganizationsProject Project Proposal:We need your help on this project! Help us to find the most useful tips, advice, books, blogs,…

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CR–Best Sources–Online Learning, How to Videos & MOOCs

*************************************************************************************************************************** #AZhelpTeachers #AZhelpSchools #AZHelpFamilies #AZHelpParents #AZhelpteens #AZhelpchildren #AZhelpKids #AZhelpstartups #AZentrepreneurs #AZhelpNonprofits #AZbusiness #AZHelpPeopleProject #AZHelpOrganizationsProject Project Proposal:We need your help on this project! Help us to find the most useful tips,…

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