Main Services Provided, Interests Served or Populations Helped that this Organization Specializes in offering to the public:Collaborating for a Cause is a free networking group comprised of nonprofit professionals. The group conducts monthly meetings aimed at providing networking opportunities and expert led best practice learning experiences (speakers) for our members. The atmosphere is lively and friendly, yet structured and efficient. Entirely Free.
Main Services Provided, Interests Served or Populations Helped that this Organization Specializes in offering to the public:Speakers’ bureau, driver education, teen driving school, safety events, court ordered public service, victim services
Donation Wish List—Search Items Needed—————> :Red Means Stop is in need of monetary donations to purchase give-a-way items for safety fairs. The items will have Red Means Stop logo and webpage (Pens, pencils, hats, t-shirts, microfiber cloths, keychains, cozy cups, magnet chip clips)