
Classes for Teens Offered

Kids Climate Action Network–Kids CAN!
Type of Organization: Nonprofit that Helps the Environment
Our Area of Service: Arizona and Nationally
Main Services Provided, Interests Served or Populations Helped that this Organization Specializes in offering to the public: Education, engagement, advocacy for youth and environment, social justice
Donation Wish List—Search Items Needed—————> : Here is Our Wish List of Donated Items!

-Art Supplies to make banners
-Rope for hanging banners
-A drone to help hang banners in high places

Yes, we have a number of donated items needed for us to fulfill our organization’s mission! We need your Help! Please share with friends, family members, colleagues, workplaces and organizations that may want to Donate Items!
Mach One, Phoenix Public Library (PPL)
Type of Organization: Government Agency
Our Area of Service: Phoenix, AZ Metropolitan Area
Our Website Address: http://www.phoenixlibrary.org
Main Services Provided, Interests Served or Populations Helped that this Organization Specializes in offering to the public: Current programs and resources offered are classes focused on technology and 3D modeling, coding, javascript, game design; sewing and arts and crafts including paper engineering, comics, visionboarding and many more STEM driven subjects and themes. It’s a diverse space that strives to keep pace with community needs.
Donation Wish List—Search Items Needed—————> : Here is Our Wish List of Donated Items!

Donations accepted of: fabric, buttons, sewing supplies, electronic supplies, tools, art supplies
Red Means Stop Traffic Safety Alliance
Type of Organization: Nonprofit that Helps People–General
Our Area of Service: Arizona, Phoenix Metropolitan area, Maricopa County
Our Website Address: http://www/redmeansstop.org
Main Services Provided, Interests Served or Populations Helped that this Organization Specializes in offering to the public: Speakers’ bureau, driver education, teen driving school, safety events, court ordered public service, victim services
Donation Wish List—Search Items Needed—————> : Red Means Stop is in need of monetary donations to purchase give-a-way items for safety fairs. The items will have Red Means Stop logo and webpage (Pens, pencils, hats, t-shirts, microfiber cloths, keychains, cozy cups, magnet chip clips)
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