
Thank you for your interest in this Juvenile Justice System Community Service Volunteer Opportunities project for Youth wanting to volunteer in Maricopa County, Arizona!

*****Do you have Community Service Volunteer hours to complete*** in order to meet the requirements of the Juvenile Justice System? If so, the CommunityCause.org web platform has a number of features that can help you find an organization that needs volunteer assistance.

There are 3 different ways to find an organization where you can make a positive difference by doing volunteer hours:

Option #2—Where do you want to volunteer? Which area of Maricopa County, Arizona is closest to you? Select from the Youth Volunteer Opportunities Projects listed below. Which area would be most convenient for you? Which of these is closest to your house? Click on the purple link to view the Community Service Volunteer Opportunities that are already listed there. Simply follow the directions on that project page to get started. Here are your options:

Northeast Region—Juvenile Justice System Community Service Opportunities For the purpose of this Youth Volunteer project, the Northeast area is defined as all land and cities East of Central Avenue in Phoenix and North of Camelback Road.

Northwest Region—Juvenile Justice System Community Service Opportunities For the purpose of this Youth Volunteer project, the Northwest area is defined as all land and cities West of Central Avenue in Phoenix and North of Camelback Road.

Southeast Region—Juvenile Justice System Community Service Opportunities For the purpose of this Youth Volunteer project, the Southeast area is defined as all land and cities East of Central Avenue in Phoenix and South of Camelback Road.

Southwest Region—Juvenile Justice System Community Service Opportunities For the purpose of this Youth Volunteer project, the Southwest area is defined as all land and cities West of Central Avenue in Phoenix and South of Camelback Road.

On this Juvenile Justice System Community Service hours project page you will see volunteer opportunities that are available for youth of various ages that will allow them to make a positive difference in their community while helping them to fulfill their community service hour requirements for the Juvenile Justice System. These volunteer opportunities will also be available for Youth to continue volunteering even after their community service hours are completed.

Option #3—Simply Fill out the Matching Service Application Form for Juvenile Justice System Community Service Hours—“Request for Help” in Finding a Nonprofit Match—Click Here! Please Note: After you submit this form to request help in finding a volunteer match it may take 24-48 hours to be sent out to nonprofit organizations. CommunityCause.org is 100% volunteer run. It may also take up to a week for an organization to make a volunteer match and respond to your offer to volunteer. Please be patient! We are all working as fast as we can!

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