
Are you a new Business or Nonprofit organization that is getting ready to launch? Are you an existing Business or Nonprofit that is launching a new product or service that will help to solve a Social or Environmental problem? Do you have a Startup that will be local, national or international? If so, you are in the right place. To get help for your Startup Venture simply fill out this form and let your community help you! Let’s get the power of the grapevine working to help your new venture. If you would like to see more Startup Tips–Click Here Thanks and good luck!

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Help for Startups--Application Form to Request Community Assistance with your Idea or Startup Venture

Are you a Startup, Social Entrepreneur, Nonprofit, Philanthropic Organization, School/University Group or other new group that wants to Launch a Startup? Do you have an idea or an innovation that creates jobs or offers a solution to a Social or Environmental Problem?

If you said, "Yes!" to any of the above questions then you are ready to start! You may submit a FREE Project Proposal here and let the Power of the Grapevine work to Help you Get what you Need for your Project to be a Success! How can the Community join you in helping to launch your Startup Venture? What can the Community help you to help you reach your next steps? Let us know by filling out the information below. Ask your Community for Assistance in your Startup venture. Let us get involved in helping you! We want to see you succeed! Good Luck!

Your Next Step.........How can the Community join you in helping to make this Startup Venture project of yours a reality? Let us know by filling out the information below. All projects will use the same Project Proposal Application Form. TIP: Please type the answers in a separate word document in case you hit a wrong button and lose material. That way you will have a backup copy. TIP: There are a few required fields. After you hit the submit button, the form will let you know if you are missing any information. The missing question will be highlighted. You will receive a message letting you know that the project application form has been successfully submitted. Thank you for leting your community know how to help your Startup Venture! Good Luck in successfully completing your project!

Please Note: You may answer the questions relevant to your project and skip the rest. The questions below are meant as prompts only and there are only a few questions where answers are required. It may take 48 hours before your project is approved and you begin receiving tips & offers of help. Remember, the more specific you are, the more your community will know what to do to help your project! Thank You for Having the Courage to Launch a Startup Idea! You are Making a Difference in the World!

  • What is the name of your Startup Venture? You have up to 55 Characters here so please also include any other important information that will make people want to click and learn more. This is your "Headline" and it will appear on the front page of the CommunityCause.org website.

  • What are the Search Terms, Key Words, Subjects, Topic Headings, etc. that you would like to have your project listed under?

  • Briefly, what are you wanting to accomplish with this Project (Big Idea, Goal)? What do you hope to achieve? Just a few words or a few brief sentences sentence here. This is the Thumbnail Sketch of what is most important for people to know.

    You only have 150 words to make a first impression and entice people to click to learn more. What is most important for them to know about the project?

    This is your "Elevator Pitch" here which is the amount of time you might have with someone to pitch your idea and interest them before the elevator doors open. One concise sentence you could deliver in under 30 seconds that will entice people to click to learn more.

    What is most important for them to know about your Startup venture? Imagine that this is going out as a Tweet on Twitter. Make it impactful so that people will want to click to learn more.

    What Individual, Group, Cause or Target Population will you be helping? What Social or Environmental Problem are you going to solve? Briefly, what are you wanting to accomplish with this Startup venture? What do you hope to achieve? What is most important for them to know about your Startup venture?

    This Thumbnail Sketch should make people want to click to learn more. Just a few words or a few brief sentences sentence here. Please include more specific details in the next section "Service or Product Description".

  • Please describe, in detail, the type of Service or Product you are creating. Now is your chance to add any pertinent details that you did not get to include in the thumbnail sketch. Provide any details that you believe will assist people in deciding whether and how to help.

  • Please describe the "Cliff's Notes", brief or bullet point version of the steps you intend to take to bring your project to completion. Example: Step #1--Identify Veterans who would like to participate. Step #2--Gather 5 different "Green Projects" that would be marketable. Step #3--Train Veterans on how to do the projects. Step #4--Market Services to the public. Step #5--Deploy Veterans to do Green Jobs that help the community & their environment while providing them with a steady income.

  • When people search for your project they will see this information first. If you wish, you may create the excerpt that you want the public to see instead of letting the computer program decide for you.

    Whatever excerpt you choose to type in this space will be what people searching will see and use to decide whether to click to see more information about your project. Simply copy & paste the most important information from what you have already answered in the other questions. Please make sure that it accurately reflects the most important information that you want people to know about your project.

  • This is your "Call to Action" to get people passionate about helping You and your Starup venture. Why is this important to you? How big is this problem? What is the impact on Society or the Environment? Please state the Reason why this product/serviced is needed. Why should the community care about helping your Startup or solving this problem?

    How would your product or service help your desired target population? Would it help others, as well? If so, please describe how. How would it benefit the community or specific groups?

    Why is it important to you to solve this problem? What is your story? This is your "Call to Action" to get people passionate about helping You and your Startup.

  • What type of Items do you need to do what you do better? You may post your Wish List of Needed Items here. Please state whether you are requesting a Gift, a Nonprofit Donation or offering payment.

    You may also request the opportunity to borrow an item that you need. In addition to posting your needs here, please remember that you can also post your request in the "Lending Library" section of the Classified Ads on this website.

    If you are a nonprofit, you may also list your Donation Wish List needs in the Classified Ads and Donation Wikis on this website. To use the Wikis you will first need to Log In and be added as a "Contributor" to this site.

    If you are not a nonprofit organization, you may still request "Gifts" of items, just make it very clear that you are NOT a nonprofit both here and in the Classified Ads. Then people can decide if they still want to help you as the items will then be considered to be a "Gift" to you and cannot, therefore, be deducted as a "Donation" for the purposes of their taxes. It will not be considered a tax deductible donation.

  • What type of people do you need to move your Startup venture forward? Are you looking for a specific type of Volunteer, Intern or Team Member to join you or your organization?

    Please be specific in describing the type of "job description" or volunteer positions that you are seeking to fill. What do you need someone to do? How much time will be required?

    In addition to posting your Intern, Volunteer, Staff and Team Member needs here, please remember that you can also post your request in the relevant sections of the FREE Classified Ads section of this website. If you are seeking a Team member for your Startup, there is a specific category set up just for that in the Classified Ads.

    You may also use this website to search for Volunteers and Interns posted in the Wikis on this site. You may also post requests for help on the relevant Wikis. To post requests or add information to the Wikis you will first need to Log In and be added as a "Contributor" to this site.

  • What specific Skills & Expertise do you need to do what you do better? Please provide a detailed description and state whether you need FREE Mentor help or if you are offering payment. Please use the question section above for any other people resources that you may need.

    In addition to posting your Skills, Expertise, and Mentor needs here, please remember that you can also post your request in the relevant categories of the Classified Ads on this website.

    You may also use this website to search for Mentors and Skill Bank listings of people with special skills. They are posted in the Wikis on this site.

    You may also post requests for help on the relevant Wikis. To post requests in the Wikis you will first need to Log In and be added as a "Contributor" to this site.

  • What types of Referrals, Introductions & Connections do you Need to do what you do better? Who would it be helpful for you to meet? What types of clients or customers would you like to have referred to you for your product or service? Are you looking for company sponsorships for your product, service or for an event?

    Are you seeking a Host Company to partner with in developing, marketing or distributing your product or service? Would you like to form a strategic alliance with a similar or complementary organization for mutual benefit? If you are applying to be a nonprofit organization, are you seeking another nonprofit to be an umbrella organization under which you you will work while waiting for your official IRS nonprofit status?

    Are you a startup seeking an actual physical workplace from which to work? Are you requesting workspace in a similar or complementary organization? Please be specific in requesting all of your needs and briefly state why this would benefit you or your organization. What difference would it make for you?

    In addition to posting your needs here, please remember that you can also post your request in the relevant sections of the FREE Classified Ads section of this website. There are several specific categories set up just for these types of requests that are listed in the Classified Ads.

  • What type of Information & Advice do you need to do what you do better? Please be specific in your request and state whether you need FREE help or if you are offering payment. How would this information or advice benefit you or your organization? What would it help you to do?

  • Please be Specific about what items or services you purchase with donated money. This may inspire people to provide you with items and/or donate in-kind services. It could be that someone may be able to donate the needed goods or services without you having to spend $$$ on them.

    Example: Deploying Veteran Green Teams to do "Green Jobs"

    -->Solar Installation Training= $1,200 per person x 8 People= $9,600 total

    -->Final Testing & Certificaton= $250 per person x 8 People= $2,000 total

    -->Website Creation= $500

    -->Website Maintenance 1 year= $250

    -->Printing of Brochures & Business Cards= $300

    Final Total= $12, 650 needed to complete our project to train 8 Veterans to do solar installation.

  • Do you have any specific questions you would like to crowd source? Are you requesting feedback on any aspect of your Startup venture? If so, write your specific questions here.

    What would like the community's help in answering? Let's get you the feedback that you need!

  • What do you need? How can the Community help? Please be specific about what type of action you would like people in the community to take on your behalf.

    Would you like people's help in pushing information about your Startup Project out through their Social Media contacts? Would you like them to view more information posted elsewhere? Would you like people to fill out a survey, be interviewed or help you to beta test your product or service? Now is your chance to add any requests that do not neatly fit into other categories.

  • Where do you expect to provide your service or supply your product? What is your initial target market?

  • Please type in the date that you hope to launch your product or service. Or, type in the date by which you hope to have this phase of your project finished. That way people will know when to get their information, help, advice, etc. to you. By what date do you need to have this phase of the project completed?

  • Do you need help or assistance by a certain time or date? Do you need certain information, materials or resources before any impending milestones can be achieved? Is there an event date looming or a grant application due? What do you need and by when do you need it? Do you have any deadlines associated with your Startup Project?

  • What are the next steps for you in moving your Startup venture forward? What are you planning to do this week, this month, this year, etc. What is your timeline of activities?

  • In a few words, please describe what the finished product or service will be. What will the finished project/service look like? What is the deliverable from your Startup venture? For instance, a medical device that helps doctors to diagnose neurological deficits, a series of classes that teach children how to make healthy food choices, etc.

  • Is there anything else that has not yet been covered that you would like to ask for or communicate to the community? Do you wish to include a personal note? Now is your chance! Good Luck!

  • If you wish, you may include information on your Startup Team. This may be information that would be interesting for potential Mentors or for Funding Organizations.You may want to include the background and expertise of each Team Member.

  • You can put the name of your Startup here or a person's name, if you wish...what ever you are comfortable with.

  • How can people reach you? If your organization has a contact e-mail and/or phone number, please type that in here.

    You may also create a Thumbnail description of your startup in the Classified Ads under "Startup Teams" in the "Startup Contact Information" category in of this website. People can contact you there. This will also help you to keep your contact information private.

    If you are a nonprofit organization, you may create a profile in the Directory of this website and direct people to contact you via that profile. This will also help you to keep your contact information private. Please choose whichever option works best for you.

    Please note that people may also wish to Post Comments on the CommunityCause.org website in response to your Project Post. Please, be sure to check there for feedback periodically. Thanks!

  • Where can people get more information?

  • If you are a Nonprofit, you may request cash donations. We do not take a percentage of the money donated. You will need to send your EIN Nonprofit Tax ID number, the name of the statutory agent of your organization, the name of the nonprofit organization, a contact phone number and a contact e-mail address.

    Once we confirm that you are an actual nonprofit organization, you will be set up to receive donations from the public.

    You can submit the rest of this listing form right now as it is and we can add the donation option later. Just submit what you have already written and we will move to the nonprofit confirmation stage and add that capability later. Please send us the nonprofit ID numbers and contact information via the "Contact Us" option on this website if you do not have it available right now. Thanks!

  • For Nonprofit organizations only. Please, put the exact URL to the website page that has the information about donating to your Nonprofit organization and the Donation Button. See the information in the question above for the directions for enabling this capacity.

  • If you would like, you may attach a photo for your project.

    What photo best represents the project that you are creating?

    Please note: We may not always be able to display your photograph if the picture quality or size of the picture does not display well on our website.

  • Do you have a video that best represents the project that you are creating?

    Please note: We may not always be able to display your video.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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