
Thank you for helping to Edit Posts. Here is the Checklist of Items that need to be double checked.


_____Make sure the the hashtags match the content of the post. Sometimes I copy & paste information from another post and forget to delete or change hashtags.
_____Add any hashtags that we are currently using by checking the page with the list of hashtags that we are using.
Insert link here….
_____Add any hashtags that we are not using but should start using because they are popular on twitter. If you create a new hashtag, please add it alphsbetically to Hashtag List page–link above.
_____Make sure the hashtags are in bold with this code hastags

Heading Check

_____ Spelling Check
_____ Does the name of the post accurately describe the content? Could a new person understand easily what the post might be if they clicked to read more?
_____ Does it have the correct project code (CR, CP, CRS)?
_____ Does it fit correctly on the front page or does the date overlap and bleed into the sidebar?


_____Click the edit button to see the full URL in the Permalink section.
_____Make sure it is short with just the most important words in the URL. Before changing the Permalink please consider what it may be linked to elsewhere on the website and whether it is worth changing the Permalink here and possibly breaking the link elsewhere. If it is only a one word or unnecessary change, just leave the link as it is. Please Note: Just so you know…after I while, I got smart and used searches as the link or categories so changing the Permalink here will probably not break many, at least not the newer, links.
_____Erase the project code (CR, CP, CRS) from the Permalink. We are standardizing all projects by deleting the project codes from the Permalink. Please delete it even if it breaks a link elsewhere. We will find the broken link and repair it later.
_____Click on “ok” to save the new URL

Layout Settings

Final Checks

_____Scroll through the entire document at the back end to check for any red squiggly lines indicating a spelling error. Please correct any spelling or grammar errors.
_____Click “View” to see the front end view of the post.
_____Is it displaying correctly?
_____Is it visually appealing?
_____Add spaces between information, as needed.
_____Please contact the web administrator before changing any sections of text as this may have ramifications for other projects.


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