
Get Started Helping Your Community! Social Media Lovers for a Cause Form

    Our Social Media Lovers for a Cause Service is a Free feature on CommunityCause.org! You can Help Your Community right from home or work. Make a Difference in the World from your phone or your computer. Help to get important information out into the world! 🙂

    If you would like to become Social Media Lovers for a Cause community volunteer, please fill out the "Passion & Interests" form below to get started!

    Please select the type of Social Media Lovers for a Cause community volunteer project that best meets your needs. If you are "Not Sure", no worries. Please know that we will get your "Request for Help" to the right place when we see you describe the type of help you need for your project.

      The following questions are meant as "prompts" only. You may fill out whichever questions seem most relevant to your needs and skip the rest. Tip: The More Specific You Are, The More Likely it is that You Will Receive Exactly what You Need. Please Note: Whenever you send in a "Request for Help", we call it Opening a "Request for Help Project". It is just like opening a ticket or a job task for computer help or other assistance only you are "opening a project" to request the type of volunteer help that your organization needs! 🙂

  • Name of the Organization that is requesting help and opening this "Request for Help Project" for the Speakers Bureau Matching Service. Please skip this question if you are offering to be a Free presenter on a topic but do not have an organization as no affiliation with an organization is required to give a Free presentation. It does add credibility if you have one, though.

    For organizations, please include your organization's mission statement. This will be visible to the public. This information will be on the "Request for Help" post on the CommunityCause.org website.

  • ****************Help us to help more people by letting us know what is working. How Did You Find Out About Us? ********************* We are all community volunteers so we want to spend out donated time wisely. Please be specific about how you found out about CommunityCause.org and our "Request for Help" Service. Was it a website or a social service organization? Which one? Was it a friend or colleague? If so, do you know how they found out about us? Thanks!

  • Please tell us any other information that will be helpful. Would you like to help in some other way? For instance would you like to share your professional skills in our Community Skill Bank? Or, do you have other social media skills you would like to share?

    Is there anything that you would like to let us know that was not covered above? Do you have other interests or passions not covered above?

    Please Click the "Submit" Button when Finished. The Community Volunteers Helping with CommunityCause.org are Happy to Help you get started.

    Thank You & We Wish You Good Luck! 🙂
