Congratulations! You are one of the first people to share information & resources on this page. This web page is part of our Concierge Service. This feature operates like Wikipedia. This website is being built by you, with you and for our Community!
The information & resources to Help Nonprofits that you and other community volunteers have contributed can be viewed by scrolling down to the “comments” section below. All website pages are created by crowdsourcing open source information contributed by You & the Community.
How can Philanthropic Groups & Clubs Help: Animals, the Environment, Children & Teens, Veterans, Seniors, Women, Social Justice Issues, Mental & Emotional Health and any other common issues that people have? What are some specific examples or what could be done or what has been done by others? Please share your tips & ideas in the “Share Information & Resources” comment section below. That way other organizations can learn from the ideas generated here.
The individuals who contribute to our web pages share their best tips, advice, information, resources, experience and expertise in specific topic areas that solve a social or environmental problem. By combining the knowledge of these altruistic people together, we can resolve situations and solve problems better, faster, cheaper and more effectively & efficiently than we could do alone. The result is that you get to participate in an online “Brainstorming” session and a virtual “Barnraising” experience.
The community volunteers helping with the web platform will curate the open source information and put it into a format that is easily accessible and searchable by members of our community who are interested in Helping Nonprofits.This saves you precious time, money & energy! We help to send you up the learning curve much more quickly and help you to avoid reinventing the wheel. Thank you for caring about this topic and thanks for helping others in your community by contributing helpful information!