Invitation to Cooperate & Coordinate Animal Rescue Efforts in a New Way by Working Together More Closely on Animal Intake, Volunteer Recruitment and Food & Supply Donations
Please R.S.V.P. for this event by contacting us through the comment section below.
********Please note that all comments are moderated by a CommunityCause.org volunteer so it may take time for your R.S.V.P. or question to appear below.********
We want to meet you! Come introduce yourself or your organization and let us know how we can work together & help each other! Come meet like minded people who want to help save more animals!
Would you like to help more animals with less stress on yourself and less wear & tear on your volunteers?
Would you like to attract more volunteers and more donations?
Would your nonprofit like to receive help to get the word out about your mission or your services?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of requests to take in animals and feel powerless to help?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then you are invited to a Free gathering held at :
********Mesa Main Library on Saturday, June 4th from 3PM to 4:30PM******** Optional Networking time is available after the meeting to connect with others. Come meet like-minded people and get energized with new ideas!
Please help us to get the word out to other animal lovers via your social media channels. Here is the link to the Animal Rescue Volunteer Palooza on our events calendar http://communitycause.org/events/animal-rescue-volunteer-palooza/
—–>This meeting is open to any mostly volunteer run animal rescue organization. We help any well meaning group or philanthropic organization with a mission to help animals. Independent rescuers welcome! No need to have 501(C)3 nonprofit tax status to attend. Please tell your friends, family & colleagues!
—–>This meeting is also open to any volunteers & organizations that want to help animals. Do you love animals? Do you want to help? We want to meet you! All teens, families, seniors who want to volunteer are very welcome. All businesses, schools, faith communities, colleges & university students and professors are also invited!
East Valley Coalition of Rescues (E.V.C.O.R.) will be assisted by community volunteers at CommunityCause.org
Think of CommunityCause.org as a megaphone. You can utilize the features on this web platform to reach out to a brand new audience thereby amplifying whatever message you are trying to get out to our community! You can also access our community volunteers who act like your extra staff helping to find you the information & resources you need to fulfill your organization’s mission.
If you cannot attend, please send one of your volunteers, colleagues or friends and we are happy to give the training to them!
Information about the Animal Rescue Volunteer Palooza, the East Valley Coalition of Rescues (E.V.C.O.R.) meeting and the Animal Overflow Shelter presentation.
Here is the schedule of events for Saturday, June 4th:
*****3:00-4:30—Presentation, Brainstorming & Planning for Re-Launch of the East Valley Coalition of Rescues (E.V.C.O.R.) & Introduction to Working Together in a New Way
Anyone passionate about animal rescue who is interested in hearing about and participating in E.V.C.O.R. is welcome from 3:00-4:30. You can help plan the structure and activities of E.V.C.O.R. Help set the new direction! You do not have to be a nonprofit. Please let all independent rescuers know that we want to connect with you, too. There will be opportunities to work with animal rescue nonprofits who are willing to serve as umbrella organizations helping independent rescuers and mentoring opportunities for those who want to get their 501(c)3
*****4:30-5:15—Animal Rescue Volunteer Palooza! Networking, Connecting, Goal Setting & Next Steps
Beginning at 4:30 on Saturday, June 4th at Mesa Main library (downtown Mesa), we will have quick presentations introducing each animal rescue group, the services they provide & the donated items & volunteer help they need. Then Schools, Businesses, Faith Communities & other organizations will have time to share how they can help local animal rescue groups. Then…let the networking & connecting begin.
Animal Rescue Volunteer Palooza—On Saturday, June 4th from 4:30-5:15 at Mesa Main library (downtown Mesa) on the 2nd floor in the Board Room we will have a Meet & Greet with new volunteers who want to share in the mission to help more animals by connecting with animal rescues that need volunteer help. There will be a short presentation on what each animal rescue does and what help they need. Then…let the networking & connecting begin.
Who is invited? Who do you know that can help? Do you know anyone who fits into the following categories?
Individuals who want to volunteer. Many of the volunteer opportunities can be done from home! In addition to helping out at adoption days or fostering animals, we need social media & computer help, assistance in bottle feeding puppies & kittens, donation pick up, animal transport, etc. Seeking all Teens, Families & Seniors who want to help!
Schools who want to earn money for their school by participating in our Spay/Neuter Challenge where schools get a $10 donation for every Spay or Neuter that their school is able to influence through their social media networks. Learn more at this link Earn Money for Your School–Click Here! We also want to connect with schools whose students need to do community service hours or schools that would like to host an animal visit to a classroom or their school
Business Community members who would like to sponsor animal related events, support programs that help animals, volunteer as a group of employees, donate needed items, share their computer or marketing expertise, etc.
Colleges & University Students and Professors who would like to volunteer, do internships or create capstone projects that will benefit animal rescue groups & save more animals.
Faith Communities who would like to do pet food drives, gather old blankets, rugs & towels for animals or even host an information booth after a religious service to share information about opportunities to volunteer & information about where to find low cost veterinary care and Free/low-cost spay & neuter. There are great opportunities for youth groups to help at adoption days & special events, too!
Who do you know that would like to help? Who can you connect us with that fits into any of the categories above?
—->Need volunteers? Need Donated Items? Meet & Greet new volunteers! Anyone interested in volunteering for an animal rescue or brainstorming ideas on how we can work together to help animals is welcome to attend from 4:30-5:15 during our Networking, Goal Setting & Next Steps portion of our meeting. We will have quick presentations introducing each animal rescue group, the services you provide & what donated items & volunteer help you need. Then…let the networking begin!
—->Have you ever wanted to have your own Animal Shelter? Wayne Miller from Rescuing Animals in Need (R.A.I.N.) will also be presenting information about his Animal Overflow & Support Facility idea in another room at 4:30. Find out how you can join with other animal rescues to share rent on your own shelter. http://communitycause.org/animal-overflow-and-support-center-for-shelters-rescues/
Where & When?
When? : Saturday, June 4th meeting. Where? : This meeting will be held at the Mesa Main Library at 64 E. 1st Street in downtown Mesa. From downtown Mesa’s Main Street, between Country Club and Mesa Drive, take Center St. North to E. 1st street. Look right and you will see the Post Office. The next building to the right is the Main Library. From downtown Mesa, the Main Library is 1 block north of Main and just East of Center St. We will be meeting on the 2nd floor in the boardroom to the right up the stairs. Here is the Map Link to the Mesa Main Library–Click Here!
Benefits of Participating in E.V.C.O.R.
***We will have a group of volunteers whose services can be utilized by any nonprofit. We will have Foster Home Volunteers, Emergency Foster Families, Bottle Feeders, Animal Transportation Volunteers, Clerical Volunteers, Computer Volunteers, Phone Volunteers, etc. who can be utilized by any E.V.C.O.R. partnering organization. They will not be attached to any one organization. They will be a pool of volunteers that any partner organization can access. They will “float” between organizations as needed.
***We will have one group of volunteers whose sole mission is to secure donations of food & other animal supplies on behalf or us all.
***We will have an Outreach Team visiting Businesses, Senior Centers, Schools, Universities & Colleges recruiting volunteers. A Volunteer Coordinator will keep track of your volunteer needs and strive to help you fill positions. We will make connections with professors & students to spread the word out internship and capstone project opportunities with nonprofits.
***We will have a Marketing & Innovation Team that will work on increasing awareness about animal related issues & services. They will also work to find innovative ways of increasing public awareness of the volunteer & donation needs of the participating animal rescues.
***We will have a Social Media Marketing Team of volunteers and a Fundraising Team that will work on projects to benefit us all.
***We will have a group of volunteers that do presentations, attend volunteer recruitment events, visit organizations requesting volunteers, donated items and resources on behalf of all of us participating in E.V.C.O.R. They will bring the information & brochures of all participating animal rescues to every event and promote all organizations equally.
***We will keep you informed of events & training opportunities in the community that may assist you in managing your nonprofit, connect with supportive community organizations and promote the services & needs of your nonprofit.
***We will help you to promote your classes, events, fundraisers and volunteer trainings by using our connections in the community and through social media.
***We will offer volunteer training for your volunteers for Foster Home Volunteers, Adoption Counselors, etc. from a curriculum that we all agree to. We will have the ability to do volunteer trainings to benefit all animal rescues that want to use this service. You may send as many of your volunteers as you wish to the trainings free of charge.
***We will have a joint storage facility where donated items will be stored and any animal rescue can freely take the items they need from the storage unit. They can also drop off what they do not need and wish to share.
***We will have a Lending Library for items others are willing to Share & Lend. For instance, if one organization has extra dog crates, they can retain ownership of them and leave them at the storage unit. They are then available to lend out or to be “checked out” by organizations that need them.
***We will have an on line Breed Request System for people seeking to adopt specific breeds and/or types of animals. All participating animal rescues will be able to view the Breed Request Lists on line.
***We will have a Pre-Adoption “Interest Questionnaire” that we all agree on that can be used by anyone interested in adopting an animal from any of our organizations. That way, an interested adopter can fill out the form one time and it will be accepted by all as the potential adopter moves between adoption sites. This will provide an easy way for animal rescues to initially see if they have an animal that is potentially a good match for the adopter. (We have heard many potential adopters complain that they have to fill out long forms on many websites answering the same questions over and over again. Many have even told us that they got fed up and bought a dog from a breeder because the process was so difficult, even thought they preferred to adopt a rescue animal!)
***We will post the Pre-Adoption “Interest Questionnaires”on line on a password protected web page for all participating animal rescues to see. That way you can easily see the information about people who wish to adopt and check to see if you have a match for them. You will be updated via email when new potential adopters come into the system. You will be alerted to the specific type of dog or cat the adopter is seeking.
***We will have an on line form for unwanted cats & dogs. Specialized volunteers will contact the person to get details on the animal and its behavior, as well as the reason the animal is unwanted. This saves the animal’s family from contacting lots of different rescues about the same animal. It also saves all of us the time & energy of all working the same animal case, not knowing that others are working hard to save the SAME animal! This will prevent animals from coming into the system in a chaotic way with little or know health history or behavior knowledge.
***We will have a specialized team of volunteers who work to solve the problems BEFORE the animals reach the animal rescue system. They will specialize in directing people to free pet food resources, animal behavior specialists, etc. There will be “Help Desk” volunteers who help the public solve common animal problems. There will Animal Ombudsmen community volunteers who specialize in solving especially complicated animal problems. Ombudsmen will also advocate for animal welfare in specific situations that need more attention.
***We will post unwanted animal cases on line and everyone will have the ability to see the animals that are entering the system and comment on what their specific rescue is able to do to help. A project will be opened up on each animal and all can work on the case and be fully aware of what others are doing to try to help the animal.
***We will invite independent rescuers and participating animal rescue groups to share our ongoing adoption days at Petco & Petsmart in order to generate more enthusiasm and share volunteer capacity.
***We will assist you in “marketing” your difficult to place animals & post your “Helping Hand” fundraiser projects for specific animals needing medical attention on our CommunityCause.org website.
***We will assist you in getting Community Sponsors to help cover some of the costs of running your animal rescue. We will be looking for sponsorship from local business, schools & faith communities.
***We will help you place your senior animals through the Senior to Senior Program. Please check out the link for more information on this project: Senior to Senior Project–Learn more. Click Here!
***We will have a Speakers Bureau of volunteers willing to go out to speak for Free on various animal related topics. Please let us know if there are topics that you are willing to give presentations on. Speakers Bureau of volunteers will go to schools, businesses, faith communities and anywhere else to increase awareness about animal issues.
***We will be giving Free seminars to the public about Dog Topics, Cat Topics and Outdoor Cat Topics. This is called our Ambassador program. We will be informing the public about where the local resources are for animal rescue adoption, spay & neuter, lost & found, pet food assistance, volunteer opportunities, etc. This is an effort to teach animal lovers in the community about how to respond to common questions that their own friends, family & colleagues may be asking them regarding animals. Because they are know as an animal lover in their social network, we want to prepare them with current & accurate information. We want them to serve as “information booths” of good information to all those who know them. They will become “Ambassadors for Animals” serving their community!
***We will also be available to provide emotional encouragement & support to each other as we do this meaningful but difficult work of helping animals.
***Another Opportunity: You are also invited to join in the effort to create an Animal Overflow & Support Facility that would allow any rescue to rent shelter space & allow the administrative costs to be shared among all rescues. Have you ever thought of having your own animal shelter? Let’s join in and create one together. Spaces could be retained by the day, week or on a monthly basis. To learn more about the idea, please go to this link. Please send in a comment on that Animal Overflow & Support Facility project page if you know you would like to be involved. http://communitycause.org/animal-overflow-and-support-center-for-shelters-rescues/
Organizations participating in E.V.C.O.R. will choose to specialize in whatever they are good at and do that on behalf of all participating organizations: Recruiting New Volunteers, Getting Donated Items, Taking in Certain Types of Animals, Connecting with Local Businesses that Can Help, etc. Together we can make a big difference in the lives of animals.
Come share your ideas. We are looking forward to meeting you!
Please R.S.V.P. at this website link: http://communitycause.org/east-valley-coalition-of-rescues-meeting/ Just send us a note to let us know you are coming. Also, please direct any questions you have to the comment section of this website link so that we can answer them once for all to see. There will be a delay in all comments being posted because all comments are moderated by a CommunityCause.org volunteer.
You can help this project by posting any relevant tips, ideas, advice, information & resources in the comments section below. Your community needs your help!
Will you help us? Will you Help Get the Word Out about this meeting for community volunteers, social media volunteers, nonprofits & other philanthropic organizations.
Please forward information about this meeting to friends, family members & colleagues who may be interested in attending! The Social Media buttons at the top of this project page make it easy to share.
It is helpful, but not required, to RSVP to let us know you plan to attend so we can assure that we have enough seating available. You can RSVP by contacting us via the comment section below.
********Please note that all comments are moderated by a CommunityCause.org volunteer so it may take time for your R.S.V.P. or question to appear below.********
Thank you for wanting to make a difference in your community! Looking forward to meeting you!!
Sally Erwin
9 Jun 2016I would love to attend the July 10th event. Because we are all volunteers who work fulltime (sometimes more) and have family commitments, we are always looking for volunteers to help transport, foster, etc., and I love what you all are trying to accomplish! I look forward to the July 10 meeting.
Barb Forsyth
4 Jun 2016I will be attending.
Saving Dog Lives One House at a Time
Deb Harlow, Founder & Director, AARTA
4 Jun 2016I will be attending, and look forward to learning more about all these great resources.
Karen Kaminsky
3 Jun 2016Hi. My partner and I are just starting up a very small senior cat rescue at my house, “Hope Sanctuary & Hospice for Elder Cats.” Right now am bankrolling it on my salary & retirement but within a year will need to raise some funds. We have 16 cats. Would like to network and learn where to self educate on how to fundraise and/or become a nonprofit or if there is another route. Have taken several classes on animal hospice. Already had our first unexpected but peaceful death. Have hospiced several of my personal animals. Has anyone else done hospice with animals? Looking forward to Saturday. Two of us will attend.
Marsha Wright
2 Jun 2016Hi ….I will be attending. Maybe one guest will be coming. I am with Wright Haven For Homeless Cats…..a private sanctuary…not nonprofit.
Shannon Brayton (AZBTRescue)
1 Jun 2016Would like to attend on June 4th
Patti Senechal
31 May 2016Patti Senechal, I will be attending for Valley Dogs Rescue and also as an independent cat rescue.
raymond kiphart
31 May 2016i am unable to attend on Saturday because of my showing dogs on Saturday but am interested in what information you have, and how i can help..
30 May 2016My name is Karen Franklin and I am the founder of 2DaRescue. We are a 501c3 All Breed Dog recue in Apache Junction and currently house about 50 dogs puppies. I have also purchased land in Apache Junction and building a sanctuary/rehabilitation Center completely gated with an in ground pool for therapeutic swimming. We work with medically and behaviorally challenged dogs and will be fostering dogs on site with 24 hour care. I would like to be involved with like minded individuals who goal is to work together and support/mentor those who want to start rescues of their own (or join our positive motivated team!)
I look forward to meeting you all……God Bless we know our canine friends need our help so desperately!!
Jessica Furman
29 May 2016Cheryl Becker and I will attend for Arizona Beagle Rescue
Sharon Flores
27 May 2016I will attend with another member of Arizona Golden Rescue to learn more about this project.
Heeling Heelers Hearts Dog Rescue
26 May 2016We would like to attend this event there will be 2-3 of us
Lorena Suarez
19 May 2016The Living Earth Ecological Institute fully supports animal rescue as we have done it in the past. I will attend this event.
CJ Anderson President/CEO
18 May 2016We will be there! Glad to support this effort. Actually most Saturdays we are out doing events but we happen to be free!
Remember that we also have offered you use of our webinar through Citrix and computer, because the Valley of the Sun is 100 miles across.
CJ Anderson, President/CEO
Animals in Disasters (AID), Empty Bowl Pet Food Pantry
please note email change to Emptybowlpetfoodpantry@yahoo.com
Robert Spangler
16 May 2016Well, this sounds great! But isn’t that what pac911 is supposed to be?
Community Cause
18 May 2016We fully support the effort of PACC911. We hope to complement the great work that Bari and all of the animal rescue groups affiliated with PACC911 are doing.
We are all working together to save more animals! We are all in this together…doing what we can do to make a difference for dogs & cats.
Clare at CommunityCause.org
Dana Haywood
27 May 2016I will be attending
Sally Erwin
9 Jun 2016PACC911 hold events, does fundraising for emergencies, but I don’t believe they have gone to the extent of gathering volunteers, help obtain supplies, and things of that nature, so I am glad that someone is taking this step! For small groups of folks who are all volunteers, this is a wonderful step in helping obtain foster homes, etc. The more the merrier :o)