
Thank you for your interest in participating in creating Community Solutions!

There are a number of ways to become involved in helping to create Community Solutions:

The Community Solutions initiative has as its Goal to

—–>Focus on Preventing Social and Environmental problems wherever possible by being proactive. We believe that a penny of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We strive to find the most innovative prevention programs from around the world.

—–>helps you find resources including Human Resources & Volunteers, Material Resources & Donations as well as the Information Resources that are needed to Help Solve Social and Environmental problems.

What Bugs You? Innovators Want to Help!

*****Do you see a problem or gap in Service?

*****Do you see a problem with a Product Function?

*****Do you see a Product that needs to be Developed?

*****Do you see a System that does not Flow as Efficiently as it could?

*****Do you see unnecessary Waste of Time or Resources?

*****I sure wish a Product existed that would…

*****I sure wish a Service existed that would…

*****Miscellaneous/Other–What Bugs You?


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