Please scroll down to the middle of this page to find a listing of all of the projects that have been proposed in the state of Arizona that help other groups or interests. This is the miscellaneous category for projects that do not fit neatly into the other categories. Simply click on the link to learn more information about each specific project that interests you.
You can help us to get the word out by sending the information and/or link about these projects out through your Social Media channels or post info on your Facebook Page. With your help…..the community can successfully complete these important projects that Help Other/General. Please peruse all of the projects to see who you know that can help to make the project a success.
If you know someone who has the information, skills, expertise, donations, etc. that can help, please forward this link to them! Let’s create a “Buzz”. Help us to get the word out so that we can Help more interests that fall under the Other/General category! All of the projects need your help! You can make a difference in the lives of others! You can have a positive impact on your community right from your computer or phone!
To find out more about how to get involved and assist on a project, simply click on the purple link for a specific community project that Helps “Other/General” to learn more. You can also see the full listing of all current projects on the homepage of this website, simply hit “Home” and scroll down.
If you wish, you may also search the entire website for other ways to help by typing “Help X” (Type in your preference) in the white box where it says “Search this Website”. You will get lots of great ideas of how you and your friends can get involved and Help people or interests.
Here are all of the projects that Help Other/General along with the dates they were proposed. Please scroll down to the bottom to find the latest projects added. You will also see the words “Ongoing” which indicates that the project is still running or “Closed” which means that the project is complete. Click here for a description of the different types of projects and the meaning of the codes, “CP”, “HH”, etc.
No Projects listed in this category yet. Please check back with us in the future!
To find out more about how to get involved and assist on a project that Helps Other/General, simply click on a specific community project that Helps Other/General to learn more. Or, you may see all of the community projects currently running on this website by simply clicking on “Home” and scrolling down. On the homepage of this website you will see the complete list of all the current projects that need your help. Another way to search for information on a project is to copy and paste the Project Code or keywords into the white box where it says “Search this Website” to get more information on any project.
If you wish, you may also search the entire website for other ways to help by typing “Help X” (Type in your preference) in the white box where it says “Search this Website”. You will get lots of great ideas of how you and your friends can get involved and Help other people or interests.