Join with others in Helping Seniors. Your community needs your time, talent, and/or donation dollars to create this project. Help to make a positive difference in the world! Seniors & Caregivers in our community need your help!

CP-Help Animals–Senior To Senior Program “Retiring Together”
You Can Help Animals Like Me!

CP-Help Animals–Senior To Senior Program “Retiring Together”

This is a program where we will be Matching Senior Cats and Dogs with Older Adults. Matching senior people with senior animals provides benefits to both the individual and companion animal! Happiness all around! The senior & the senior companion animal are both happy! The animal shelter is thrilled to find a senior animal a loving home!

Goal–Help Seniors to Connect & Build Community–Resources

#AZhelpSeniors #AZhelpHealth #AZHelpPeopleProject #AZhelpNonprofits #AZHelpOrganizationsProject ******************************************************************************************************************************************* *****Our Goal is to: Identify activities & organizations in our community that will give Seniors an opportunity to contribute their time and their talents…

P2P–What Does it mean to be “Earth-Friendly” Any Thoughts?

What does it mean to be "Earth-Friendly"? What if everyone lived a lifestyle in which they sought to contribute more to society and the planet than they consume in terms…

SP–Seniors Help Schools–Grandma/Grandpa Listening Table

********************************************************************************************************************** #AZhelpSeniors AZHelpFamilies #AZhelpteens #AZhelpchildren #AZhelpKids #AZhelpTeachers #AZhelpSchools #AZhelpNonprofits #AZhelpPeopleProject #AZhelpOrganizationsProject #VolunteerGrandmas&Grandpas Project Proposal:We will train senior volunteer "Grandmas" & "Grandpas" in advanced listening techniques so that they can be…

Goal–For Seniors–Helpful Books, Blogs, Websites, Resources

#AZhelpSeniors #AZhelpHealth #AZHelpPeopleProject #AZhelpNonprofits #AZHelpOrganizationsProject ******************************************************************************************************************************************* *****Our Goal is to: Assist organizations serving Seniors in fulfilling their mission by gathering the most useful tips, advice, books, blogs, websites, videos, newsletters,…

CR–Crowdsourcing-Resource Book for Veterans & their families

*************************************************************************************************************************** #AZVeterans #AZHelpFamilies #AZHelpChildren #AZHelpParents AZ#HelpTeens #AZhelpPeopleProject Project Proposal:We need your help on this project! Help us to Create an Resource Book for Veterans, Active Military & their families, through…

CP–Basic Needs Resource Book–Crowdsourced with your Info

*************************************************************************************************************************** #AZHelpFamilies #AZHelpFamilies #AZHelpParents #AZHelpPeopleProject #AZhelpnonprofits #AZhelpOrganizationsProject Project Proposal:We need your help on this project! Help us to Create a Basic Needs Resource Book, through Crowdsourcing, that covers all of…

Community Project Home Page

Community Projects & International Community Projects Thank you for your interest in making a positive difference in the world through Community Projects! What would you like to do? If you…

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