Here you will find all of the types of projects that Help Startups, Entrepreneurs & Social Entrepreneurs listed in one place. Startups, Entrepreneurs & Social Entrepreneurs in our community need your help! You can make a positive difference in the world!

HH—–Animal Rescues—–What Help & Donations do you Need?

*************************************************************************************************************************** #AZhelpDogs #AZhelpCats #AZdogrescue #AZcatrescue #AZAnimalRescue #AZhelpAnimalsProject Project Proposal: Many people have still not recovered from the downturn in the economy and their beloved animal companions often suffer. Their animal…

Goal–Help Veterans Find Organizations, Resources, Information

#AZveterans #AZhelppeopleproject ******************************************************************************************************************************************* *****Our Goal is to Create a Master List of all the organizations based in Arizona that are currently helping with Veteran & Active Military related issues. *****Our…

CR–Faith Communities–Help & Resources to meet Basic Needs

*************************************************************************************************************************** #AZhelpnonprofits #AZhelporganizationsproject Project Proposal:We need your help on this project! Help us to find the most useful tips, advice, websites, newsletters and resources from Faith Community organizations that can…

CR–List all Organizations Assisting Veterans on Directory

*************************************************************************************************************************** #AZveteranhelp #AZhelppeopleproject Project Proposal:We need your help on this project! Help us to add information on all of the organizations that are working to help Veterans and Active Military.…

CR–Enter All Dog & Cat Groups & Services in Directory

*************************************************************************************************************************** #AZhelpanimalsproject #AZhelpdogs #AZhelpcats Project Proposal:We need your help on this project! Help us to add information on all of the organizations that are working to help Dogs & Cats.…

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