
There are a variety of services available to assist you with any questions, concerns or needs. On this page you will find General Information about the services on the CommunityCause.org web platform. Please click on the purple links for each specific service if you wish to learn more. Please click the purple link if you would like to submit a Request for Help Form—General Inforamtion

Fill Out “Request for Help” Form to Ask for Specialized Volunteers—Click Here! Fill Out “Request for Information Help” Form to Ask for Advice, Tips or Information—Click Here! Begin Volunteering! Click Here to See Our Free Volunteer Matching Service! View Opportunities to Volunteer & to Find Needed Volunteers—Click Here! Fill Out “Specialized Volunteer Help Needed” Form to Ask for Help from the Community Skill Bank, On Call, Short Term or Board Member Community Volunteers—Click Here! Fill Out “Volunteer Needed” Form to Ask for General Volunteer Help—Click Here! CommunityCause.org is a Crowdsourcing Website It is being built by you, with you and for our community. Crowdsourcing is the act of requesting help from the crowd–our community–to share items, skills, expertise, information, services, resources, advice, ideas and other helpful tips in order to join together in an effort to accomplish some bigger task. Your piece of the puzzle is a vital part of the finished whole project!

CommunityCause.org operates like a modern day “Barn Raising”. It facilitates online Brainstorming of information, resources & solutions.

This Free Crowdsourcing Request Service provides 2 options: Option #1–“Request for Information” and Option #2–“Request for Help

—–>The first Crowdsourcing Request Service Option #1 is open to individuals & organizations who submit a “Request for Information asking for guidance, advice or tips on how to handle a situation. It is called the Neighborhood Resource Person “Help Desk” & Ombudsman Service offered by community volunteers. We also have the “What Bugs You?” projects where we collect information on what is not working and strive to create solutions. There is no special submission form for this type of request. Simply send in your question or concern via the “Share Information & Resources” comment section on any page. This service is open to both individuals & organizations that have a question, concern or issue that requires assistance from the community.

—–>The second Crowdsourcing Request Service Option #2 is open to Organizations that make a “Request for Help for needed donated items, special skills, professional expertise, volunteer help, etc. Please see the Request for Help Form below. This Free “Request for Help” Service is open to nonprofit organizations, schools, colleges, universities, fraternal organizations, faith communities, government agencies, philanthropic groups, teams or clubs that deal directly with individuals who are in need. Organizations may use the “Request for Help” form below to ask the community volunteers for help finding needed items & services.

The mission of CommunityCause.org is to create a web platform that connects individuals and organizations to the resources they need to solve social and environmental problems.

While individuals can submit a Crowdsourcing Request Project Submission Form by themselves, it is best if individuals can connect with one of the types of organizations listed above. It gives you instant credibility and makes people more likely to rapidly help. This is especially true for the Community Response System Projects (CRS)

For Individuals: If you need help, just go ahead and submit a request as an individual and we will take it from there.

Option #1–“Request for Information”—View More Details on How to Access this Service

There are 3 types of projects that are set up to assist either individuals or organizations access information help from their community.

The community volunteer navigators at the Ombudsman Service, the Neighborhood Resource Person “Help Desk” Service and the “What Bugs You?” projects can help anyone through difficult situations. There is no special form to fill out for “Request for Information” help. Community volunteers simply need you to send in specific details about your question, concern or need. Please see below…

Ombudsman Service–Provided by community volunteers who help you with difficult questions & concerns. They assist you with cutting the “red tape” and getting questions answered and situations resolved. Both individuals & organizations may request help from this service.

Neighborhood Resource Person “Help Desk”–Provided by community volunteer navigators that help guide you through a process that is familiar to them but may be new to you. For instance, they assist with adopting a rescued dog, finding a lost dog, getting solar panels on your home, accessing Veteran’s benefits, etc. Both individuals & organizations may request help from this service.

What Bugs You? Have you noticed something that is not efficient or, perhaps, not working at all? Is there something in our community that is confusing, inefficient or frustrating? Is there a product or service that you wish existed? We collect your “What Bugs You?” responses and get them to innovators, inventors, social entrepreneurs, politicians, community visionaries and altruistic individuals who want to Help Make the World a Better Place. You are a crucial part of the puzzle! We need your input in order to know what needs to be fixed. What needs to work better? Both individuals & organizations may access this service.

It is not necessary to understand how each of the 3 services work to access service. Simply submit a “Request for Information” to get started on receiving assistance. Send in details about your question, concern or issue as a comment in the “Share Information & Resources” section on the page at the links below.

To Access the Ombudsman Service or the Neighborhood Resource Person “Help Desk” to receive guidance, advice or tips on how to handle an issue or to submit a “What Bugs You?” suggestion, please select the link that is most relevant to your question or concern:

| Help Desk & Ombudsman Service Helping Animals |
| Help Desk & Ombudsman Service Helping People |
| Help Desk & Ombudsman Service Helping the Environment |
| Help Desk & Ombudsman Service for Organizations |

Option #2–“Request for Help”—View More Details on How to Access this Service

Nonprofit Groups and Philanthropic Organizations may use any of our Free services. Organizations may make a “Request for Information” from the community volunteers who provide guidance, advice & tips through the “Help Desk” & Ombudsman Service above. Organizations may also submit a “Request for Help” for donated items, skills, expertise, volunteer help, etc. These services are described below:

Volunteer run organizations receive special help & assistance from the community volunteers helping with CommunityCause.org! Schools, colleges, universities, fraternal organizations, faith communities, government agencies and any other philanthropic group may submit a “Request for Help” from any of the Free services described below.

Community Skill Bank Do you need specific skills, experience or expertise. Do you require the help of a lawyer, a coder, a mechanic, etc? Organizations may use the “Request for Help” form below to ask the community volunteers for help.

Community Response System Do you need specific items or resources? Do you require donated pet food, pet supplies, people food, clothing, furniture, appliances, etc? You can use the form below to ask the community volunteers for assistance in finding the items you need. Organizations may use the “Request for Help” form below to ask the community volunteers for help.

Short Term & On Call Volunteers Does your nonprofit or philanthropic organization need specific kinds of volunteer help? Do you require computer help, phone assistance, emergency dog foster homes, outside cat TNR assistance or other volunteer help? You can use the form below to ask the community volunteers for assistance in helping you with those Short Term & On Call Volunteer Opportunities. Organizations may use the “Request for Help” form below to ask the community volunteers for help.

Crowdsourcing Requests created by organizations allow the community to help you get the donated items, skills, expertise, information, services, resources, advice, ideas and other helpful tips that you need. In addition to Crowdsourcing Requests, there are a variety of Community Projects available to help organizations fulfill their mission, assist their clients and/or solve a social or environmental problem. For simple requests, simply fill out the “Request for Help” Form. For more complex projects, organizations may choose to Create a Project–Click Here! To View Descriptions & Learn More about Community Projects–Click Here!

Whether you submit a “Request for Help” (submission form below) or a “Request for Information” (no submission form needed), you are “opening a project” and asking your community for help.

To open a Crowdsourcing Request Project that we call a “Request for Help”, you have 2 options:

Option #1—The easiest option…Simply select the type of help you need from the various CommunityCause.org project services below. Please read more about each specific service. Once you determine that you have selected the correct service to meet your needs, fill out the “Request for Help Form” describing what you need and hit the “Submit” button. You will receive confirmation that your message has been received.

Our Community Response System Community Skill Bank–Learn More! Request Skills & Expertise. Submit Your Request for Help Form

Our Community Response System Donation Service–Learn More! Request Donated Items & Resources. Submit Your Donated Item Matching Service Form

Our Community Response System Short Term & On Call Volunteers Request Help from the Short Term & On Call Community Volunteer pool. These community volunteers are “floaters” who move from place to place helping various organizations with specific tasks or projects that they have submitted in their “Request for Help” Form. Request Skills & Expertise. Submit Your Request for Help Form

Our Community Response System Crowdsourcing Requests Request Help Specific to Your Need by Creating a Project.

——–>You may choose to send in a detailed information request via our “Share Information & Resources” comment section on any page that seems relevant to your information need. This is part of our Concierge Service, our volunteer Ombudsman Service and our our Neighborhood Resource “Help Desk” service where community volunteers act as a community resource navigator.

——–>You may choose to send in a detailed information request via our “Share Information & Resources” comment section on our Get Help Page–Click Here! if you want to receive help & assistance.

——–>You may choose to send in a detailed information request via our “Share Information & Resources” comment section on our Give Help Page–Click Here! if you want to receive help & assistance.

Please Note: If you are new contributing to the “Share Information & Resources” comment section on the CommunityCause.org web pages, please know that there will be a delay before you see your comment posted because all comments are moderated. CommunityCause.org is 100% Volunteer Run. Please be patient! The Community volunteers helping with this website are working as fast as they can.

Option #2—For Best & Fastest Results… simply fill in the categories of information below. Then send in the “Request for Help” as a “comment” in the “Share Information & Resources” comment section on the project page of the specific type of profession, skill, interest, donated item or community volunteer help you need.

Please send the request down the correct project pathway. Specifically, what type of help do you need? Simply click on the purple link below that best matches the service and assistance you need. Then select from the specific options available on each page and post your request.

Select from the purple links provided below to navigate to the exact profession, skill, interest, donated item or community volunteer help that you would like your “Request for Help” to be listed under. This is the fastest way to get help. All comments & “Requests for Help” are moderated so there will be a short delay before you and community volunteers willing to help will see your “Request for Help”.

Community Skill Bank Request Skills & Expertise

Community Response System Request Donated Items & Resources

Short Term & On Call Volunteers Request Help from Short Term & On Call Community Volunteers

Crowdsourcing Requests Request Help Specific to Your Need by Creating a Project

If you are confused simply copy & paste, fill out and then submit your “Request for Help” form at one of these “Help Desk” links below. A community volunteer will send your “Request for Help” down the correct pathway. There will be a slight delay, but your “Request for Help” will still get where it needs to be. Is the Request for Help assisting People, Animals, the Environment or an Organization?

| Help Animals | Help People | Help the Environment |
| Help for Any Type of Organization |

You may also do a keyword search in the “Search this Website” feature in order to navigate to the pages that best suit your “Request for Help” or your “Request for information”. To find a page to match your needs you may type in keywords “Need X” (Example: Need Dog Food, Need Food, Need Clothing, Need Medical Care, etc.). Or, you may check to see if something you need is available and type in keywords “X Available” (Example: Dog Food Available, Clothing Available, etc.).

Please remember that your Crowdsourcing Request Project will be displayed on the project page where you submit it. If your Crowdsourcing Request Project is suited for more than one project page, you may copy & paste it into the “Share Information & Resources” comment section on each of those relevant project pages as well. That way you will get maximum coverage and maximum impact for your request.

Step #1: Please Copy & Paste the categories below into the “Share Information & Resources” comment section on the page where you would like it to be seen by others. Step #2: Please type in your responses to the questions below and click “Post Comment”. You have successfully submitted your Crowdsourcing Request Project. Congratulations! Your request has been submitted for approval. When your “Request for Help” is approved, it will be visible on the project post where it was submitted.

——–>Simply fill in the categories of information below and send the request in as a “comment” under the specific type of profession or trade needed. Copy & Paste these categories with your answers in the “Share Information & Resources” comment section of any specific project post that applies to your need. Click “Post Comment” to submit your request. To Start:

Request for Help Form Information

Copy & Paste the Categories in Bold and Submit your answers in a “Request for Help”. We call it “opening a project” when you send in a “Request for Help”. Your project status is “open” until you get the volunteer help you need. If you fill out the details below and send it in as a comment, you will save yourself time from having to answer the same questions over and over again for potential volunteers. People will have all the details they need in order to know if they can help you. Please Copy & Paste the Request for Help Form below and Fill Out only the Bolded Categories that best fit for your specific “Request for Help”. To achieve successful results, please be very specific about the type of help or assistance you are seeking. .

Request for Help Form

Project Title: (Is there a Volunteer Job Title, specific Donated Item/Service Needed or a Name for Your Project? This is the first information people see so please make it very clear and interesting enough for them to read more. Please delete all of these form directions in parentheses when you submit your “Request for Help”. For brevity, please keep only the category headings in bold.)

Project Status: (Open, Ongoing, Pending, On Hold, Closed)

Details about the Project: (What, specifically, do you need done? Please include information on what the project is, a “job description” for the person helping and any requirements or restrictions that you have.)

Project Location: (Please put major cross streets & city if you need people to participate at an actual location or if donated items or services are needed at a specific location. If you are requesting Volunteer Help that can by done by computer or by phone, simply type “Help by Computer” or “Help by Phone”. If you are requesting Donated Items, please include where you need the items to be dropped off or state how far you are willing to travel to pick up any Donated Items.)

Project Due Date: (When do you need people by? Examples: Actual Date Needed, Immediate, A.S.A.P. or Begin at any Time)

Approximate Number of Volunteer Hours Requested: (Total number of Volunteer Hours Requested.)

Specific Goals for the Project: (What is the “Deliverable” or Finished Product to be Accomplished?)

Where to Get More Details: (Is there a website, YouTube video, or other source for information about your project?)

Directions on How to Get Started: (What is the first step if a person wants to help?)

This Project & Request for Help is Posted by: (Name of the Organization or Individual Requesting Help on this Project. This will be visible to the public if you include it.)

Contact Information: (This will be visible to the public if you include it.)

——–>When your “Request for Help” project submission has been approved, it will show up in the comment section below as an “open project” and a Request for Help from community volunteers. Let’s work together to Make a Difference in our Community!

If you have a more detailed Crowdsourcing Request Project, you may choose to fill out a more detailed and complete Crowdsourcing Request Information & Application Form–Click Here! You may skip any questions that do not apply to your project or request for help. Fill in only the questions that you feel are relevant to your specific request.

Organizations may choose to Create a Project–Click Here! To View Descriptions & Learn More about Community Projects–Click Here!

Questions? Please check this page first Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)–Click Here! If you do not see the answer there, please Contact Us–Click Here!

Thank you for participating in a Crowdsourcing Request Project! Thank you for helping your community by working to solve social and environmental problems!

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